• I updated to 3.1 today and my widgets were cleared automatically. I am using RT-Theme 11. Every time I add a widget, it does not save or disappears when you refresh the page. Since my theme is widget based, i have no homepage.

    Any suggestions. I already deleted the theme and re-installed. Same for Wp v3.1.

    I’m stuck until somebody can enlighten me? Please help

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  • also fwiw – text in the post text editor is white and the html tab is not active.. lots of stuff doesnt work. I can post but must highlight the text in order to see it? Guess its delete everything and start over

    The way I understand it . . .

    If you get a white screen it is normally a php file with an error. Check any file you have modified for extra spaces at the beginning and at the end.

    If you are missing items in the dashboard or unable to drag and drop it is usually a javascript problem which can be caused by plugins or a missing file. Sometimes disabling a plugin does not help so you need to delete or rename the plugin folder.

    I would delete my wp-admin and wp-includes folder and reload fresh new folders with files. Don’t overwrite the files, delete them. Some people had to do this a couple of times – I don’t know why – flakey ftp I guess. I would also check to see that I had the most current version of java.

    The problem is residing within jquery. You most likely have a theme which de-registers jquery and then re-registers another version. Take a look at your functions.php file and see if you find something like this.

    wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
    wp_register_script( 'jquery', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js', false, '1.4' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );

    and make a change so this only fires on the front end and not the admin side. just by wrapping it with this.

    if(!is_admin() ):
    {Place your register scripts here}

    It worked for me.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention if your theme is using object oriented classes you may have to do a little digging to find these files. Take a look at all files that are being included within functions.php and you will eventually find it.

    I’m having the same issues. It is not theme based, my site is screwed up even with the TWENTY TEN theme…..it is a serious issue….my site is completely down and i can’t even activate my maintenance mode plugin to hide this embaressing problem……I’m using 3.1.1

    @rotten Elf, the problem does not have to be theme based. It can be a problem within one of your plugins also. Some plugins are using jquery. But the problem is definitely with jquery. Unload all of your plugins and see if you still have the problem. I have not had this problem since i fixed it. In your case if you can switch themes and it persists, then it is one of your plugins that is registering jquery.

    Using 3.1.1 brand new install. No plug-ins and basic 2010 theme and I am getting the same problems. Everything seems to be working normally except I cannot drag & drop dashboard widgets and I cannot reduce/expand the boxes either as no arrow shows up!

    I run a different site on an earlier version of wp 3.0 and dont have these issues. Won’t be upgrading until this issue is sorted.

    Try a different browser.

    Verify your java is working here, https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp

    This is not a wordpress issue but a local problem with javascript and jquery.

    Same problem. I just got a mess in my widgets area.
    I did like keesiemeijer said (THANK YOU keesiemeijer)”deactivated all plugins and”…
    found “Comments Loop” plugin giving me a problem. Just removed it.

    Everything working…

    Thank you.

    Unfortunately, my issue is still unresolved and nobody seems to have a solution that works for my particular situation. I went to default theme and deleted all plugins…and still have the problem…..I’m stuck.

    Tell me the exact theme name that you are using and I will find the problem for you. The only thing that makes the widgets work is javascript. So if javascript (jquery) is broken…guess what. It doesn’t work. Just tell me which theme and I’ll show you where to fix it.

    right now I have the AskIt theme by Elegant Themes installed.

    Thanks Macleodjb

    I have updated my WordPress to 3.1.2

    I have updated my PHP to 5.3x

    I am running MySQL 5.0

    I have cleared every browser that I use (including Firefox 4)

    I have deactivated all plugins and reverted back to Twenty Ten Theme

    The problem still persists…..no one has any other suggestions?

    @rotten Elf,

    I’m a little shocked that you have all that completed and it is still broken. I loaded up a new website with wordpress tonight and let the twenty ten them match yours and I don’t have the issue. However, this is just a stab in the dark. when you are in your widgets section, at the top where you have the screen options pull down. Do you have accessibility mode enabled or disabled? Because if it is enabled your widgets will not move. Post your email address or website so i can take a look.

    @macleodjb. I tried that as well. Since then, the project has been abandoned by everyone else. I would completely dissolve the domain and db and wp installation, but my curiosity compels me to continue the search for the solution.

    even with accessiblity mode enabled, no dice…..I know macleodjb…it’s very frustrating….lol

    I updated my theme and my widgets are gone, what kind of garbage is that?

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