• Help! I uploaded 2.7.1 – TWICE! to try and fix the problem. I go to upload a photo and after it is finished “crunching”, I see a “blank” preview and a “broken icon” link in the post itself. I went so far as to clear out my entire blog and start from scratch. It still is not working! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

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  • hi there,

    back from holiday – tried the hints you gave – thank you for that. Unfortunately it didn’t help.
    In the meantime I upgraded to WP2.8 – didn’t make it any better.
    Any other ideas?

    I keep searching…

    For the error in creating /wp-content/uploads, just go into your admin section, to Settings > Miscellaneous, and make sure that the path is wp-contents/uploads and NOT /wp-conent/uploads. The extra slash / in front of it will break it. If that doesn’t work, check that all of your directories to the uploads directory have working permissions on them. Generally 755 will work, but depending on your host it may need to be changed to 777.

    If you are using Firefox and gears, disable gears.

    If you’re using the flash loader and it won’t work for you, try the browser uploader… or vice-versa.


    a million thanks! it was the leading slash! No idea where it came from – I was sure I didn’t overright anything there. After your hint I checked it again and removed the leading slash – and it works!!


    Thanks to EVERYONE. I’m 3 days old with WP. Moved site from subdirectory to a new domain root. Images wouldn’t show. I was able to troubleshoot through this thread and solve the problem.

    I didn’t tell you that I was at wordpress.com, initially with the problem, did I? LOL

    Be well,

    I have read all the posts – didn’t understand most of them ;}
    This is what I have done for 5 years and now it does not work!!! [I use Internet Explorer because my Firefox is funky – never had a problem before]
    1. click on add image icon 2. choose browser upload [flash does not seem to work] 3. browse and choose photo from folder 4. Upload 5. wait, and wait and wait 6. Sometimes it uploads fine [YEA!] sometimes I get a red message saying that it can’t do it OR an IE message that says that they can’t do it because I am not on line, wrong address or WP has a problem 7. Sometimes I try again and again and it works, but more often it doesn’t work – of course I am on line and the address is a WP link so is the problem WP [yes I did upgrade to 2.8.4 AND cleared the cache AND checked the settings]


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