• Hello,

    Using 1and1.com hosting. Uploaded files and had working fine, was
    editing and setting up. Now, cannot get in to edit again. Have
    deleted all files, uploaded again, even set up a new data base and
    deleted the old one and still get a file not found 404 error when
    trying to reinstall?? I see the files on the server…




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  • I’m supposing this is a new instll with no data in the database.

    When reinstalling, did you follow the install instructions by the letter? Or did you forget something like running the https://<yourdomain>/<yourblog>/wp-admin/install.php from your browser.

    And when creating the new database, did you check the wp-admin/wp-config.php to have the correct database name, user and password?

    Hola espero que me entiendas, instale el nuevo wordpress 2.0 pero
    me marca el siguiente error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wp_cache_init() in /home/nr001006/public_html/weblog/wp-settings.php on line 111

    Saludos y gracias.

    Thread Starter malcolme


    Petit – Thanks, first install went fine and was able to access, then
    something went wrong (don’t know what) and have been trying to
    re-install and not able to do so far. I have verified the config
    file to have the right database info and have tried to start
    the install but keep getting a 404 error.

    Any other ideas?


    Hello, sigo con el mismo error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wp_cache_init() in /home/nr001006/public_html/weblog/wp-settings.php on line 111

    Thread Starter malcolme


    Petit –

    Discovered the problem. Pilot error! Original problem caused by
    another application interfering with WordPress on my server, which
    is what caused the original problem. Then the issue was FTP into
    the wrong subdirectory…. once I figured that out I was able to
    reinstall and now good to go…

    thanks for your help,


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