I think you have ftp access, so it would be relatively easy. Please, follow these steps exactly in this order and do not skip any of them:
1. Login to your blog admin and go Options > General
2. Change the the URI (addresses) to https://budgetdva.net
3. Do NOT try to see your blog in a browser!
4. Do not try to open your blog in a browser… just
5. Open your ftp program and after connecting to your site delete the “wordpress” folder.
5a. If you don’t have a backup on your computer, then first download the folder and then delete it
6. Do not upload it again by clicking on the “wordpress” directory on your computer.
7. In the FTP program click on the “wordpres directory” on your computer and upload ONLY the content of it, not the directory itself!
If the upload was successful, your blog should be visible at budgetdiva.net.
EDIT. The “content” means the 3 folders AND all the files that are inside of the wordpress folder!