Ok, I have
* added the line to wp-config.php
* corrected the typo in the variable name
* added the semicolon to the end of the line
* cleared out any existing sites
* added a new site with
* a URL to the top of the site (is that where the “valid site URL” should point?)
* a known-good username and password
* a tick in the enable box
* a tick in one of the site groups
* connection successful! report
I see a couple of entries in the target webserver log that include encouraging things like:
"POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.0" 200 12695 "-" "The Incutio XML-RPC PHP Library"
from the IP of my source site. So I
* create a test post on the source site
* tick the box to syndicate the post
* verify the post appears on the source site as expected
* wait for a couple of cycles of "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=13802..625 HTTP/1.0"
to appear in the target site’s log
… and still the post does not appear on the target site.
Have I missed anything here? Any idea what the problem might be?