Okay, the entire story. I transfered a site to hostgator. The site got screwed up in the transfer (long story why) and hostgater can’t solve it. So since I do not know how to solve it, I decide to build a new ecommerce web site using WordPress. Now if I decide to do an installation using hostgator, I figure it will over ride the old site and I will lose it. While the old site is not usable as a site, I can still get the pictures and copy off it it for the new site and I do not want it to disappear.
So, I figured I would build WordPress site without using the hostgator until after I have it completed and I started on that basis, following as best I could the directions. And they lead me to a dead end at the the forum site.
Where are you attempting the installation? Your own computer (using a local server such as XAMPP or MAMP) did you manually copy the WP files to your hosting account with an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla, etc.)? I have no idea of what you are talking about as none of this comes up in explaining how to do this.
The promotional material makes it sound like it is easy, but for me it is not.
What do I do from here?