• I’m trying to install using wp-admin/setup-config.php. The first form comes up fine. I fill in the database information and click submit. The page refreshes, but the resulting page is basically blank, with only the ‘WordPress’ header (the h1 is the only tag in the body). Looking in the directory, none of the files appear to have been touched. But there was no error returned, and nothing at all in Apache’s error log.

    Any suggestions?

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  • Have you tried actually creating a wp-config.php file ?
    The online method really is if you have no other option.
    What host / server / php / mysql ?

    Thread Starter seanq


    Yes I did, sorry for not posting that. But when I edited the sample and saved it as wp-config.php, the message I got when browsing to the blog directory is “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress.”. I first assumed this meant the tables hadn’t been created, but now that I re-read it I’m not so sure. Could someone clarify that error’s meaning for me?

    I’m running PHP 4.3.4 & Apache2 on SuSE Enterprise Linux 9 (kernel 2.6.5-7.151). MySQL 4.0.18-MAX, same OS but on a different machine. I’ve confirmed the db user is able to access the database from the webserver and has appropriate permissions for creating tables and such.

    Being a Windows user, I’m fairly clueless on the nitty gritty but I believe there is something that may still need running to be sure that your php and mysql really are talking to each other … I’ve no idea about the two machines bit.

    Thread Starter seanq



    This appears to be a PHP/configuration problem since I also could not get b2evolution installed, with similar symptoms. config file not getting written by the install tool, blank page being presented when hand edited with no further action or database configuration.

    Points to WordPress for at least generating a couple error messages in the process though, unlike b2.

    I’m still hoping someone can help, before I move on to a Perl based tool. The ones I looked at aren’t as ‘pretty’ or have as many features ready out of the box. But my needs in this instance are simple, and I have a higher expectation of that working (given that we have lots of other Perl code running succesfully), and could at least debug problems quickly myself if it doesn’t.

    Does PHP have an equivilent to Perl’s use warnings/strict/taint/diagnostics to improve code discipline and help me debug this?

    Thanks again!

    It might be worth creating a phpinfo page to see if you have mysql setup to run with php.

    create a single page with the following in it:


    And look for output relavent to mysql in it. paste that section back in here for us to look at.


    Thread Starter seanq


    Thank you!!!!

    The output is below, but I can see that PHP was compiled without mysql support! ?? I’ll contact my vendor about that, since it seems silly to bother providing PHP without database support.

    Is there any way to turn mysql support back on without recompiling?

    And why in tarnation doesn’t PHP barf and die with a nice useful error message when an undefined/unsupported function is called?!?!

    System Linux xxxxxxx 2.6.5-7.151-default #1 Fri Mar 18 11:31:21 UTC 2005 i686
    Build Date Apr 7 2005 16:49:09
    Configure Command ‘./configure’ ‘–prefix=/usr’ ‘–datadir=/usr/share/php’ ‘–mandir=/usr/share/man’ ‘–bindir=/usr/bin’ ‘–libdir=/usr/share’ ‘–includedir=/usr/include’ ‘–sysconfdir=/etc’ ‘–with-_lib=lib’ ‘–with-config-file-path=/etc’ ‘–with-exec-dir=/usr/lib/php/bin’ ‘–disable-debug’ ‘–enable-inline-optimization’ ‘–enable-memory-limit’ ‘–enable-magic-quotes’ ‘–enable-safe-mode’ ‘–enable-sigchild’ ‘–disable-ctype’ ‘–disable-session’ ‘–without-mysql’ ‘–disable-cli’ ‘–without-pear’ ‘–with-openssl’ ‘–with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2-prefork’ ‘i586-suse-linux’
    Server API Apache 2.0 Handler
    Virtual Directory Support disabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/php.ini
    PHP API 20020918
    PHP Extension 20020429
    Zend Extension 20021010
    Debug Build no
    Thread Safety disabled
    Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, https, ftps

    Thread Starter seanq


    It was indeed failing because the mysql driver was not installed. I’ve fixed it and the site is now up!


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