• Hi,
    I know this is a dumb question, but here goes anyway.
    Could someone tell me the difference between the “root of your domain” and
    “it’s own sub directory” as the two places to upload WordPress to your server?
    I want to have a stand alone blog, so I assume I would upload to the “root of my domain” correct?
    Thanks for your help,

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  • Web address (https://domain/folder/file?a=1) consists of four sections:
    schema (http), domain name (domain), path (/folder/file) and query string (?a=1). The / path means root, so the “root of your domain” is https://domain/

    I have not understood “it’s own sub directory” – could you please provide a context of this phrase?

    Thread Starter Jerry Lindenburger


    Thanks for the response wpbct7,
    “If you want to have your WordPress installation in it’s own subdirectory,is the second option of locations for the installation in the Famous 5 Minute Install.
    I think I need to get a book that explains some of the basics, because my ignorance make it difficult to get things done for sure!
    I think I can get WordPress uploaded now(I hope)so I’m going to give it another shot.
    Thanks again,

    You can install WordPress in the ROOT directory.
    e.g. https://www.mydomain.com/
    and you can also install it in a sub-directory
    e.g https://www.mydomain.com/wordpress/ (for example)

    In the first option you just load all the files and folders that comes inside the install pack TO YOUR ROOT .
    In the second option, you put them INSIDE another folder that is inside your root. (you can name this folder whatever you like : Blog, wordpress, wp, jerry, whatever)

    Personally I prefer the second option, It has many advantages, that I am not going to detail now, But some that I AM going to mention is 1. more order on server. and 2. possibility to install WP , configure and play, without affecting the main domain, until you are ready to open the blog/website. 3. possibility to install many different installations on one web server without confuse.

    Just remember that if you do choose the second option, you need to go to the general settings in the admin area, and tell WP where is the URL for install directory (WordPress address (URL)) , and where is the URL for the blog to be seen. (Blog address (URL))

    Read HERE for more Info ..

    Thread Starter Jerry Lindenburger


    Thanks krembo99,
    What I need is to be taken click by click, screen by screen, through the install in cPanel.
    I guess that is alot to ask.
    My understanding of just the basics is sadly lacking also,which makes the “simple” instructions not so simple.
    I really want to learn to do this though, so maybe I’ll try to find a book or somewhere online that would help?
    A site that explains cPanel in very simple terms?
    I’ve built a few websites,I have a blog at WordPress.com, https://www.ebizinfosite.com
    ,and a blog at Blogger https://www.cashblog-n.com both of which WERE very easy to set up,so I’m not without some skills.
    My problem boils down to being able to understand cPanel, and understanding the elements and options available there.
    Anyway I’m beginning to ramble, so I may as well close and wait for Barnes and Noble to open and see if I can find a book or something.

    not that i really know what i am doing but i also just went through this. it also depends what you are doing with the hosting account you are using. for instance on my account if have two different domains hosted. so there is a primary domain and a secondary domain and the primary gets the root. the secondary gets a new root which is a folder in the primary (this is where i have wp)…

    Thread Starter Jerry Lindenburger


    Hi samboll,
    I’ve done all the steps(they were easy) down to install(the one I’m have trouble with).
    I go to cPanel click on File Manager and a box called File Manager Directory Selection come up, now I’m given the choice of all the domain names I have on my hosting account, as well as four options(Home Directory,Web Root(public_html/www),Public FTP Root(Public_FTP),and Document Root For:).
    I need to know which one to choose(or if it even makes a difference, they all seem to go to the same page with the options available again?).
    Now when I click on “go” I’m taken to the File Manager page with the various folders in my account on the left and the contents of any clicked upon said folders on the right.
    I want to end up with a stand alone blog with the option of other blogs to be created later.
    Do I upload to a folder already(a subdirectory I think) there or create a new one(a root directory?)
    Now just one more question(and possibly the dumbest one yet).
    I’m told to upload the contents of the WordPress Directory(but not the Directory itself) and I’m not sure how to do that.
    Please give me a(light bulb turning on answer)and I would be forever thankful.

    Thread Starter Jerry Lindenburger


    Thanks for your response chriswilliams,
    So…I would think your primary domain is the root and your secondary is a sub directory of your primary domain?
    Did you get your upgrade/install accomplished?

    The other thing you might do is to see if your hosting provider has a one click install. mine did. I instlled using the godaddy app installer. this took care of a bunch of things that would have been issues. for instance my hosting account was on windows with compoents that wp did not support. the godad installer knew this and worked me through fixing it (with someone on the phone).

    relative to domain and folders. my hosting account has a primary domain chrisdiannefamily and a secondary domain vuuch. the vuuch domain starts in a folder (godad takes care of redirecting when someone types in vuuch at a browser). the vuuch domain has a wp blog and chrisdiann… does not have a blog. so the wp stuff is installed in a subfloder of vuuch named wordpress.

    my guess is if your primary domain is where you want blog you install wp in a subfolder of the root named whatever you want. the intaller asks you to name it. i hav a post in the forum about how to change the install location as I might change it to blog.vuuch.com…

    Hi Jerry,
    If you’re really stuck on the install – click on my name and use the contact form on my site and I’ll help you out.

    Thread Starter Jerry Lindenburger


    Thanks again Chris and Sam,
    I appreciate the help!

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