• Resolved waila7



    In marketpress.php I see default settings are used for installation. I would like to change defaults in this file (currency, base country, message texts etc.), cause it is faster when using WP backend admin panel.
    I tried to change these settings before installation, but no effect. How to change them?



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  • Thread Starter waila7


    It seems I changed settings after installation and it didin’t work.. after clear plugin installation I succeed.. Ahhh.. ??



    Hi @waila7,

    I hope you’re well today! ??

    Thanks for your question. Fortunately, MarketPress now includes a filter hook you can use to change the defaults.

    That hook is defined on line 348 of \wordpress-ecommerce\marketpress.php:
    $default_settings = apply_filters( 'mp_default_settings', $default_settings );

    You’d just need to specify your custom $default_settings.

    On line 210 of that same file, you’ll see how that’s done:

    $default_settings = array (
    	'base_country' => 'US',

    That’s just the first two lines of the definition of those settings, but that’s the gist of it. With that, you could use something like the following, for example, to provide custom settings:

    add_filter( 'mp_default_settings', 'mp_custom_settings', $default_settings );
    function mp_custom_settings( $default_settings ) {
    foreach($data as $key => $value)
    		$default_settings['base_country'] = 'AL';
    		$default_settings['currency'] = 'RUB';
    		return $default_setings;

    I haven’t actually tested that but I believe it’d work. It would take a bit of extra work to customize the default message texts, which is an array itself. But that should help get an idea how it’s done.

    Besides making a simple plugin out of that or including it in your theme’s functions.php file, you could use the Code Snippets plugin:

    Hope that helps! Let me know if you have questions on anything. ??




    Hey @waila7, seems I had this open while you were working on it. I think I may have misunderstood, but I’m glad you got it sorted.

    And I hope that may still help. ??

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