Actually, I think I know what the issue is…
based on WP architecture the filter will never run until after plugins are loaded rendering it ineffective for what we’re actually trying to accomplish.
So really we need to opt-out using another method, which should be pretty simple…
I made a patchfile for lifterlms.php (core plugin file in wp-content/plugins/lifterlms/lifterlms/lifterlms.php
Since you’re local and incredible can you give this file a test and ensure it works before I make it an official part of the codebase?
I’ve located a copy of a plugin that I could recreate the issue you’re experiencing with and the patch fixes it, but my previous fix yesterday also fixed the issue on my end so I want to ensure this works in your environment.
This solution relies on a constant (which we can add to the wp-config.php file so that at time of plugin load our opt-out will be fired, instead of during theme setup when it’s too late.
The patch file is here:
Copy the contents of the gist and replace the contents of lifterlms.php with it.
Then add define( 'LLMS_LOAD_DEPRECATED', false );
to your wp-config.php file before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
I’m fairly certain this will (finally) resolve your issue.
Thanks for your patience!