• petit


    My experience for your benefit.

    I recently upgraded my WP 2.0 to 2.01 to get the bug fixes.
    It all went very smooth and took about 5 minutes, all included. I even got the bonus that one single malfunctioning permalink ( 404 ) started to work.

    Man was I happy! ??

    But when I tried to activate/deactivate my plugins, nothing happened, except that I got an empty page. The state of the plugins didn’t change.
    Reason: I followed the upgrade instructions, except the part “disable your plugins”. Brave as I am :/

    Resolution: I backed up and deleted everything in the wp-content/plugins directory.
    The smart plugins framework in WordPress discovers it has no plugins and so throws all plugins out of the active plugins array.

    After that I reinstalled the plugins one by one, starting with Aksimet from the 2.01 distribution.

    When I came to the handy alphabetical_plugins plugin, which sorts the plugins list alphabetically on the plugins admin page, the earlier lockup reappeared. I killed the culprit and have lived happily after that.
    After that

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  • I think that plugin has been updated.

    Thread Starter petit


    Thanks, I’ll check that!



    I just went through a couple of frustrating hours trying to upload WordPress 2.01 with Golive 6.0. As a last resort I tried Dreamweaver MX and walla everything is fine! Seems GoLive does something to the code and you end up with a parsing error 422 to be exact. I’m not an expert but have had plenty of experience on computers. Just wanted to post this in case someone else has a similiar experience.



    Use a “normal” FTP client and you’ll be OK.



    I have the same problem as petit, did what he had done… Deleted the plugins in /plugins and started reuploading. I still cannot activate any of the plugins.

    The screen just turns white when I try.

    I upload through my hosts controlpanel, since port 21 is blocked on my internet connection and I have to use that port to connect through ftp which I then can’t, so I do not have other possibilites than FTP. Any ideas to what I can do to fix this?

    Thread Starter petit


    ludvig87: You should definitely talk to your service privider (or host/hotel) about that. It is not uncommon for hosts to block the standard FTP port, but then have anoter port open for FTP.
    Maybe you should suggest or ask if the host gives you the possibility of using SSH ( Secure shell ), an encrypte way of communicating with services, such as Telnet and FTP.
    Clints ( your side ) for communicating would be Putty and WinSCP for windows.

    The reason for using FTP ( and Telnet ) is that you get a clean and standardized way of communication, and you can be sure that you don’t have any interfierece by unknown software ( web based clients and the like ).



    My father asked one of the guys from the computer company to help (we are connected to the Internet through adsl at my fathers work next-door) and he said he would come by and help, but he never came.

    This was supposed to happen after he had been down at the factories to fix their computer, so it could logon to the network, but he must have forgotten about my father. So until the company comes again, I can’t do much else than uploading through the controlpanel.

    Thread Starter petit


    Right. Go push them!



    My problem seems to be different. Recently I upgraded my WP from 1.5 to 2.0 . My plugins was disable. When I click on deactive the status change to activate but on top of the page written plugin deactivated. Now my scenarios is I have to make sure all the plugin deactivate in order for it to work. Any solution on this?

    Thread Starter petit


    Yes it’s a bit troubelsome with binary logic.

    Look: “When I click on deactive the status change to activate”
    It works like this:
    o When you click on Deativate, the plugin is deactivated, which it says at the top of the page.

    o The link for the plugin changes to “Activate”, so that next time you click on it, the plugin will be activated. Logic!

    Don’t panic! It’s all key.

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