• Resolved shuga1981


    When running the mywebsite/installer.php, at the ‘deploy’ stage I keep getting the same error message, even though ‘test connection’ is ‘success’.

    Please see the error message below:

    server code: 200
    status: OK
    A wp-config.php already exists in this location. This error prevents users from accidentally overwriting the wrong directories contents. You have two options:

    Empty this root directory except for the package and installer and try again.
    Delete just the wp-config.php file and try again. This will over-write all other files in the directory.

    What I tried to do:

    I have removed the wp-config.php file with Filezilla as suggested, but it did not help, also I emptied the root directory(removed all the unpacked wp files), left only the installer.php and the package zip file, but the error message is the same.

    What do you think I am doing wrong?

    Please help me!

    It is a great plugin, congrats! I have used it once before and it worked all smooth and made migration like a dream. I hope my problem will get resolved!

    Thank you very much in advance!


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  • Hey shuga1981,

    You might try the following:

    1. Close your browser down and clear the cache.
    2. Try another browser temporarily
    3. Restart Apache

    It seems like it might be a cache issue…

    Thread Starter shuga1981


    Thank you Cory!

    Unfortunately, I am still getting the same error msg, even though I restarted MAMP, cleared the cache and also tried with Safari instead of Firefox.

    First I got a msg that database creation failed. But if that was the case when I am testing the connection for MySQL database it should fail, but it is passing. Afterwards I kept getting the same error msg like before.

    I have even uploaded everything directly with the File Manager built into the Cpanel to eliminate any problems with FileZilla, so under mywebsite.com I have both the installer.php file and the zip package.

    Any other idea what the problem can be?

    Thank you very much once again Cory!

    Thread Starter shuga1981


    Hi Cory!

    I have tried to upload the database manually, meaning exported from my localhost php myadmin and uploaded it onto the hosting as recommended, but now I am getting the message that Duplicator can only work with empty database (and as I already uploaded mine it has 18 tables), but than I dont understand why it was recommended on the first place. ??

    If I set the option to connect and remove all data, than I go back to my old error msg as wp-config.php already exists in this location.

    Grrrrrrrrrr, I have no idea whats going on, I am stuck.

    Please please help me! ??

    Thank you so much!


    Hi shuga1981,

    The database should be empty because you are generating new tables and new data. If you try and run the SQL script with tables that have the same name then you will have data integrity issues if some of the new tables are created and others aren’t. Data miss-match across WP tables would render the DB in many cases unusable. Currently its a pre-caution to keep data integrity intact.

    Have you tried the steps in the Quick Start, I’m not quite sure why your having the issues either… If you want to send me your package I can validate that it install fine on my system…

    Thread Starter shuga1981


    Hi Cory,

    Thank you very much for being so prompt with your replies!
    It seems there is a DB issue when it comes to run the Duplicator installer with GoDaddy hosting. Previously with Hostgator, all was just fine.

    What I did, I uploaded the zip package to the remote site, created the database manually, changed the wp-options siteurl and home tabs in phpmyadmin to the new website url from localhost, in the wp-config file all was fine, correct database and user name were listed. After this, the site is now uploaded and runs fine.

    Probably this can be the solution for others also facing this issue with GoDaddy.

    Thanks once again, and great job with the Duplicator plugin!

    Have a great weekend! ??

    OK. Thanks for the update!

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