• I have a photography website https://www.iclicu.com

    The wordpress theme I am using is Inspiro. On my gallery page (www.iclicu.com/gallery) I have this code in the php template to get categories listed on top of the page e.g. Abstract, Architecture etc

    <?php wp_list_categories( array( ‘title_li’ => ”, ‘hierarchical’ => true, ‘taxonomy’ => ‘portfolio’, ‘depth’ => 1 ) ); ?>

    This code generates output that looks like
    <li class=”cat-item cat-item-161″>Abstract

    I want to change the href output in the above to “https://www.iclicu.com/project/abstract/&#8221;

    Basically, each of the photo categories point to https://www.iclicu.com/portfolio/category/ and I want them to point to https://www.iclicu.com/project/category/

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