• davidhopkins


    I have just set up my WordPress blog and don’t wish for much more template customizing now except putting a logo image inside the kubrick theme header gradient (leaving the logo with the gradient in background). I am not familiar with the WP template structure and any leads into this will be a good push for a better understanding of WP customization. Thanks in advance!


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  • Thread Starter davidhopkins


    I tried the personalheader.gif way you advised spencerp and it actually got my logo to appear over the header top (too hight!) – now i need to align it lower somehow. What I am actually looking for is on the latest post https://www.udigrudi.net/blog/ (just the logo in the middle, no header text except the image). Anyway I feel a lot closer to a solution – thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter davidhopkins


    Just thought of this: can i do this to align the header image?

    #headerimg { background: url(‘<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/personalheader.gif’) no-repeat center;}



    EDITED* Ok, try that code once, see what happens.. =D

    Alright, hehe.. Make a new image with the width:760px and the height:200px but use for the background option, Transparent..

    Then! Take your logo, place it in the center of that the best you can..save it as the: personalheader.gif and reupload it.

    Should work for ya.. if you’d like, I can do one up quick lol.




    To get rid of that title and description, you can remove this code from the header.php near the end of it..

    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
    <div class="description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?>

    Example: https://www.vindictivebastard.net/kubrickfixed/

    But will have to make the image clickable though, as a link to take ppl back home.. I’ll post about that then soon..




    To make the whole header image clickable, do this:

    <div id="header">
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
    <div id="headerimg"></div></a>
    <hr />

    I know it kinda borks while loading in IE6, but it goes back to normal then, well..mine anyways, cause I have the IE and FF 1px header/footer shift fixes on it lol. But that’s a whole other issue..


    Thread Starter davidhopkins


    Hey spencer, I owe you an arm! I just tested in my sandbox the header without the title description and also with linkable image and it works just fine. Lemme buy you some beers, just be carefull driving back! Cheers ;D




    Hey spencer, I owe you an arm! I just tested in my sandbox the header without the title description and also with linkable image and it works just fine. Lemme buy you some beers, just be carefull driving back! Cheers ;D

    Awesome! =D Hahaha..as for the beers, Hmm..I better not take ya up on that offer lmaO!. I have been in ENOUGH trouble already for the beer/liquer..sigh. =/ 2nd DUI, looking at possibly either 90 day jail time or 90 day house arrest time.. either way.. I’m screwed..

    But glad to hear you got it working now. =D I’m going to bookmark this thread in the FF FAV’s for future reference purposes, because we just about covered it all in here lol!


    Thread Starter davidhopkins


    Yeah, it’s all working fine here and I hope this thread can help others to make their custom WP header the easy way. To me it was a startup to understanding better how to customize the default theme as well as to how the themes work. Thanks a lot! I’ll post the blog new header URL as soon as I get the gimp work finished here.



    To me it was a startup to understanding better how to customize the default theme as well as to how the themes work. Thanks a lot! I’ll post the blog new header URL as soon as I get the gimp work finished here.

    Yeah, well as others might think though, the default is one of the easiest to work with, really it’s not. Especially for someone new to WordPress themes. It’s an image based theme, and the CSS is laid out within the header.php file as well as the style.css file.

    Which, really throws people off sometimes. I have done various stuff with that theme already..to basically say I “kinda” got a “grasp” on it. =/ When really, I would classify myself as a “newb” yet to that theme lol!

    After awhile, good long while most likely, you’ll get a “grasp” on it too, and help others with it.. =D I wish ya the best with your blogging and your template/theme learning..


    Example of a pain in the arse about it is, trying to get it just right, via the IE and FF browser, as well as the other browsers. Margins, paddings and things like that, are a PAIN in the REAR..sigh

    Thread Starter davidhopkins


    “Example of a pain in the arse about it is, trying to get it just right, via the IE and FF browser, as well as the other browsers.”

    I know what you mean, already struggling here with the differences in the way IE and FF interpret .png transparencies… arrrrghhh. Why is’t IE abolished for good?



    I know what you mean, already struggling here with the differences in the way IE and FF interpret .png transparencies… arrrrghhh. Why is’t IE abolished for good?

    Hahaha..I dunno. But it might have something to do with the MicroCrap Incorp being more stupid then the IE browser itself or something maybe….. LoL! But, I would be one to vote on that though..no doubt! =)




    Greetings! I am new here, but thought I could contribute to this thread. I agonized over using WordPress or Moveable Type, and finally went with WP–not because of price, but because of the apparent, wonderful community support.

    One of the things I wanted to do was make a very basic change to the header in the Classic theme so that I could personalize my sites. With some of the instructions mentioned previously and elsewhere in the forums, I simply opened the kubrickheader.jpg file on my computer in Photoshop. In the first attempt, I laid one of my photos over it in a layer (cropped to the same size of course), saved it and FTPd it to the proper folder on my site. That was the only change I had to make and it is sooooooo personalized! See for yourself at https://www.RuralChronicles.com.

    Then I tried the same thing with a one of my photos cropped to the proper header size and named it kubrickheader.jpg. Then I FTPd this file to the web site. And, it looks great. See https://www.SojournChronicles.com.

    I think this is amazing. I envision changing these header images frequently so that I can highlight my photography and drive customers to my Photo Store, https://www.DBrent.com.

    I have to thank those who came before me for posting all of this wonderful information to making a great blogging space.



    Welcome aboard! =) I’m glad to hear that our information was quite useful to you.. =) As I will also help by pointing out, that if you use or plan to use a custom header image.

    You can have it at these sizes: 760px wide x 200px high as it states in the header.php file, which is also posted there.

    So you can keep your image in the “gradient” part of the header image. This way it won’t run over into the “sidewalls” of the blog, like you have now.. =) But other then that…again, happy you joined and found the informations useful. =D




    Yes, this forum is awesome. When I first visited I was a bit baffled by the “search” feature that doesn’t work (good idea to take that down until it’s fixed, O Powers That Be) but searching the site on Google has brought up a goldmine of information and people are soooo helpful!



    Haecceity, have ya checked the search lately lol.. ? =D And yup, we try to be helpful.. =D


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