Insert Flickr Image > Forbidden
The search delivers appropriate results on Flickr. But when clicking the respective resolution to insert (or featured) I see ‘Forbidden’ message in red letters.
How to fix this? Thanks!
According to that documentation, linking to a php.ini file via .htaccess is being accomplished by the line SetEnv PHPRC /path-to-dir-with-php.ini. So that was an easy job. I’ve created a folder called phpini and placed a php.ini file containing the code you’ve brought me above (do I need to set some rights?).
So far, nothing has changed. Page loads. At the same time, I’ve set max_execution_time to ‘High (+25%)’, which is the highest limit I can set via the backend. Still the forbidden message comes up.
I went back to PHP version 5.4, still no success…
leehodson, would it help if I provide you access to my server and the WP backend?
Another thing you could try first of all is use some other plugins that also upload images to your server, e.g. the Pixabay plugin ( or Photodropper ( will do that I think.
If you get the same error there we know it is something related to your server. If it works with those plugins we know it is related to how uploads are handled by WP Inject and I can compare it to these plugins to hopefully find a fix for you.
Pixabay images gives me a headache with error messages even before selecting an image. Photodropper is interesting, because it gets stuck after selecting an image. In the error log, I find:
[Fri May 30 10:28:31 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/.sites/538/site901/web/wp-includes, referer:
But what the hack is it doing in my root dir site901/web/wp-includes when it should process under /inject/wp-admin?? Wah… I have no idea…
Flickr – pick a pic gives me a clue. It also fails but asks, if allow_upload in php.ini is allowed… I’ll ask my host bout that.
Meanwhile, I’ve received a phpinfo() of my host. Maybe we find something here:
Seems leehodson was right, there is suhosin in use. Settins seem also to appear in the page linked above.
Delete that info.php file. Do it straight away. Never give public access to the file because it poses a hacking risk — shows too many details about your server and it’s directory structure.
How did you install the plugin? If you used the WordPress plugin installer to add the plugin then file uploads are allowed and are working (info.php suggests file uploads are allowed).
Do you have problems with automatic plugin updates?
I’m not seeing much from the phpinfo() output that hints at an issue.
Setting an open base directory can sometimes cause problems when an upload temp directory isn’t configured too but a temporary upload directory is configured so this should be a none issue here.
I have just woken up so might not be as focussed as I could to be but some directives seem to be missing from the output of phpinfo(). I can’t put my finger on what those directives are but intuition is saying ‘where’s this? Where’s that?’ but is not telling me what ‘this’ and ‘that’ are (does that make sense?).
I think your host might have disabled control of some PHP directives so that you can’t use php.ini to change certain values from within virtual host directories (from within your webspace).
Thomas will be the better person to access your server because he wrote the plugin and might notice something I would miss.
At this point, I think your host has the answers.
I do have another idea: enable debug in wp-config.php by changing define(‘DEBUG’ false) to define (‘DEBUG’, true). Then try to add an image again. This will print any error messages to the display screen. Paste those error messages here (redact the file directories displayed in the pasted output). Reset DUBUG to false after testing.
Not having any problem with automatic updates, never had… Also the inject plugin came with the WP installation procedure (haven’t uploaded by myself).
Things got worse with the plugin version 1.02. After clicking the Search button, I saw the circle turning endlessly without getting search results. Even downdating to 1.01 didn’t help. Same circle turning… What the…
If thats ok for you you can send me a login to your blog via the contact form here and I will take a direct look:
Please note though that since all the other plugins you tried also failed to upload a picture with similar issues this is most likely related to your server setup – an area which I can not help with.
Thomas, I’ll message you there too, when I return home..
usdy, I think the script is timing out.
Thomas, I’m pretty sure there’s some setting from my host messing things up. Hopefully we can get a little closer to the reason so I can send an appropriate request to him.
I’ve sent you the login credentials and URL. Feel free to hack around. This is a test page without any use. It’s only purpose of being is to check the plugin. If you mess things up, I can easily set up a new environment.
Thanks you two for your strong support. I really appreciate that.
So, together with Thomas, we could resolve the issue. Here’s how:
After updating the plugin version, I ended up in not receiving any search results anymore (dunno why it ever worked before). Thomas took a look and mentioned:
It simply times out when the API requests to Flickr or Pixabay are sent and neither gives an error nor a response.
I brought that to my host and they told me they are blocking all cURL requests except those URL’s they are being requested to open up. I asked to set my page free and enable ALL cURL links (I never know if a problem occours because of that and probably not even have such a strong support as Thomas), so now they moved me onto another server where cURL is not blocked at all.
And finally, things work perfect. All images are being dropped now onto my server, featured images work perfect.
Thanks to all, especially to the dev Thomas.
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