• Resolved Gustav


    When people registers on my site this codes runs.

    $wpUserName = 		$wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'];
    $wpUserMail = 		$wpsapProfile['steam_steamid'].'@steam.com';
    $wpUserPassword = 	wp_generate_password(12, true);
    $wpUserId = 		wp_create_user( $wpUserName, $wpUserPassword, $wpUserMail );

    Im wondering how can make so this code inserts in users decription/biography.
    $wpUserName = $wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'];

    Not working example.

    $wpDescription/biography = 		$wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'];
    $wpUserName = 		$wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'];
    $wpUserMail = 		$wpsapProfile['steam_steamid'].'@steam.com';
    $wpUserPassword = 	wp_generate_password(12, true);
    $wpUserId = 		wp_create_user( $wpUserName, $wpUserPassword, $wpUserMail );
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • Joey



    It depends exactly how you want the data stored. If you want it inside the current user description field you can use the returned user ID to grab the user object, alter the description and update the user:

    if ( $wpUserId ) {
        $user = get_user_by( 'id', $wpUserId );
        $user->description = $wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'];
        wp_update_user( $user );

    If you want it stored as metadata for the user you can use the update_user_meta function:

    if ( $wpUserId ) {
        update_user_meta( $wpUserId, 'my_user_description', $wpsapProfile['steam_personaname'] );

    and retrieve later with get_user_meta( $wpUserId, 'my_user_description', true );

    Thread Starter Gustav


    I will try to do something but not sure if i will be sucsesefull. Anyways. Can you help me with this one and what file i should use?

    I have a profile field which is called.
    I would like to get that fields value and replace it with the result i get from.
    echo getSteamId32($steamid64);

    The code i use

    $steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64
    echo getSteamId32($steamid64);
    function getSteamID64($id) {
        if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
            $parts = explode(':', $id);
            return bcadd(bcadd(bcmul($parts[2], '2'), '76561197960265728'), $parts[1]);
        } elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16) {
            return bcadd($id, '76561197960265728');
        } else {
            return $id;
    function parseInt($string) {
        //    return intval($string);
            if(preg_match('/(\d+)/', $string, $array)) {
                return $array[1];
            } else {
                return 0;
    function getSteamId32($id){
        // Convert SteamID64 into SteamID
        $subid = substr($id, 4); 
        $steamY = parseInt($subid);
        $steamY = $steamY - 1197960265728; //76561197960265728
        if ($steamY%2 == 1){
        $steamX = 1;
        } else {
        $steamX = 0;
        $steamY = (($steamY - $steamX) / 2);
        $steamID = "STEAM_0:" . (string)$steamX . ":" . (string)$steamY;
        return $steamID;


    Where is $user_meta coming from? Usually when using user meta you’ll retrieve it like so:
    get_user_meta( $user_ID, $meta_key, true );

    And update it like so:
    update_user_meta( $user_ID, $meta_key, $meta_value )

    Check out the codex for more information:

    Thread Starter Gustav


    I realy dont know.

    $user_meta = get_userdata(bp_get_member_user_id());echo($user_meta->steam_steamid)

    steam_steamid is the field

    I will check that out but dont know if i can make it to work.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    Well if it’s displaying OK from that then it has been added to the user object. You could try saving it with wp_update_user:

    $steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64
    $steamid32 = getSteamId32($steamid64);
    $user_meta->steam_steamid = $steamid32;
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Joey.
    Thread Starter Gustav


    Edit didnt do what it needed.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    Working in a plugin is the correct way to go, don’t ever edit WordPress core files.

    Is something adding a field to the profile with the steam ID? If so, you need to find where that value is being stored and use that to populate the field and save to that when updating.

    Thread Starter Gustav


    Ok lets try to go around this.

    This code prints in/out steam_steamid field in that specific profile field.
    <td><?php echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta( 'steam_steamid', $user->ID )); ?></td>

    Can i change the output of thatt field with this code somehow?

    ///$steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64 
    ///echo getSteamId32($steamid64);
    $steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64
    $steamid32 = getSteamId32($steamid64);
    $user_meta->steam_steamid = $steamid32;
    function getSteamID64($id) {
        if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
            $parts = explode(':', $id);
            return bcadd(bcadd(bcmul($parts[2], '2'), '76561197960265728'), $parts[1]);
        } elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16) {
            return bcadd($id, '76561197960265728');
        } else {
            return $id;
    function parseInt($string) {
        //    return intval($string);
            if(preg_match('/(\d+)/', $string, $array)) {
                return $array[1];
            } else {
                return 0;
    function getSteamId32($id){
        // Convert SteamID64 into SteamID
        $subid = substr($id, 4); // because calculators are fags
        $steamY = parseInt($subid);
        $steamY = $steamY - 1197960265728; //76561197960265728
        if ($steamY%2 == 1){
        $steamX = 1;
        } else {
        $steamX = 0;
        $steamY = (($steamY - $steamX) / 2);
        $steamID = "STEAM_0:" . (string)$steamX . ":" . (string)$steamY;
        return $steamID;

    Other option.

    This prints out steam_steamid from current profile.
    <?php $user_meta = get_userdata(bp_get_member_user_id());echo($user_meta->steam_steamid);?>

    Can i manipulate steam_steamid so it prints out steam_steamid after it has been handled by this code?

    ///$steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64 
    ///echo getSteamId32($steamid64);
    $steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64
    $steamid32 = getSteamId32($steamid64);
    $user_meta->steam_steamid = $steamid32;
    function getSteamID64($id) {
        if (preg_match('/^STEAM_/', $id)) {
            $parts = explode(':', $id);
            return bcadd(bcadd(bcmul($parts[2], '2'), '76561197960265728'), $parts[1]);
        } elseif (is_numeric($id) && strlen($id) < 16) {
            return bcadd($id, '76561197960265728');
        } else {
            return $id;
    function parseInt($string) {
        //    return intval($string);
            if(preg_match('/(\d+)/', $string, $array)) {
                return $array[1];
            } else {
                return 0;
    function getSteamId32($id){
        // Convert SteamID64 into SteamID
        $subid = substr($id, 4); // because calculators are fags
        $steamY = parseInt($subid);
        $steamY = $steamY - 1197960265728; //76561197960265728
        if ($steamY%2 == 1){
        $steamX = 1;
        } else {
        $steamX = 0;
        $steamY = (($steamY - $steamX) / 2);
        $steamID = "STEAM_0:" . (string)$steamX . ":" . (string)$steamY;
        return $steamID;
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    If you have access to the user object $user do you not have access to the steam ID via $user->steam_steamid?

    Whichever you choose the “echo” part is handling what is output. So as long as you change the value to whatever you want to display before you echo it’ll come out as you want. e.g.

    $user_meta = get_userdata(bp_get_member_user_id());
    //change steam_id to 32
    $user_meta->steam_steamid = getSteamId32($user_meta->steam_stemid);
    // Update user
    wp_update_user( $user_meta );
    // Output updated steam ID

    If you don’t need to update the user then leave that part out

    Thread Starter Gustav


    Original. This shows the original value.
    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar(); ?></br><center><font size="2"><?php bp_member_name();?></font></center><iframe style="margin-left:4px;" frameBorder="0" width="28" height="28" scrolling="no" src="https://website?sid=<?php $user_meta = get_userdata(bp_get_member_user_id());echo($user_meta->steam_steamid);?>"frameborder="0"></iframe></a>

    I want the new result to echo here. (HERE) (Its in another div)
    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar(); ?></br><center><font size="2"><?php bp_member_name();?></font></center><iframe style="margin-left:4px;" frameBorder="0" width="28" height="28" scrolling="no" src="https://website?sid=<?php $user_meta = get_userdata(bp_get_member_user_id());echo(HERE);?>"frameborder="0"></iframe></a>

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    You should really read up on these functions before trying to use them. The code to echo out is in my previous response. The code you have just supplied shows the $user_meta already being retrieved.

    Thread Starter Gustav


    Nothing works but lets try last time.

    I have this in the plugin file which prints out steam_steamid profile field and the value.
    <td><?php echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta( 'steam_steamid', $user->ID )); ?></td>

    A small function.

    $steamid64 = $user_meta->steam_steamid; //YOUR STEAM ID 64 
    echo getSteamId32($steamid64);

    How can i do something like this in a correct way?

    $steamid64 = esc_attr(get_the_author_meta( 'steam_steamid', $user->ID )); //YOUR STEAM ID 64 
    echo getSteamId32($steamid64);

    And then echo it correctly.
    <td><?php echo getSteamId32($steamid64); ?></td>

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    have a look at what “echo” does: https://php.net/manual/en/function.echo.php

    So we don’t want an echo passed as a parameter on another function, we want to echo the result.

    If we re-arrange what you have tried slightly we can return the ID and then echo out the result of the converting function:

    $steamid64 = esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'steam_steamid', $user->ID ) );
    echo '<td>' . getSteamId32($steamid64) . '</td>';

    One thing to note here is that the php tags will need to be in the right place! <?php denotes that we are starting PHP and ?> denotes we are ending it. The above code assumes an opening PHP tag is somewhere before the code.

    If you want the same code with PHP tags check out:

    <?php $steamid64 = esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'steam_steamid', $user->ID ) ); ?>
    <td><?php echo getSteamId32($steamid64); ?></td>

    Which one you use depends on where your PHP tags are placed in your code and you may need to move them to suit.

    Thread Starter Gustav


    Well im not good @ programming.
    Sh*t it didnt work as aspected.

    It removed all the lines bellow and didnt echo the result in that line.
    <td><?php echo getSteamId32($steamid64); ?></td>

    I dont understand the problem.

    Before: https://i.imgur.com/0GPstpk.png
    After: https://i.imgur.com/LuqwUu0.png

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Gustav.


    Then there would have been an error and the code would have stopped processing. It sounds like you’re trying to implement something without an understanding of the basics. I suggest you spend some time looking into the basics of the language before you try and edit the code like you are doing so that you understand why things go wrong and have a chance of correcting them.

    If you want to post the whole page for this code I don’t mind having a look and correcting the error.

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