Hi @landwire
I should have done more testing to be more accurate about the reported issue. I apologize.
The plugin works perfectly with paragraphs and other blocks I’ve tested.
The problem I reported to you also happens in the posts editor, that is, it doesn’t only happen in new widgets.
The plugin that has conflicts is Flex Posts – Widget and Gutenberg Block.
When I select some options for the block, like the number of posts or layout and insert the conditional tags, they are not saved and when I return to the editor, the Block logic space is empty.
Also, I visualized in the database and your plugin parameters are not inserted in the block. For example: “blockLogic”:”is_home()”, do not appear.
I tested this plugin: Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Controls for all Blocks.
It had no conflicts and was able to insert parameters, thus:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:3,”className”:”home”,”blockVisibility”:{“controlSets “:[{“id”:0,”name”:”Control Set”,”enable”:true,”controls”:{“dateTime”:{“schedules”:[{“enable”:true,”start” :”2021-07-24T00:00:00″,”end”:”2021-07-25T00:00:00″}]},”screenSize”:{},”userRole”:{}}}]}} //->
Finally, I tried to manually enter into the database to do a test
it was like this:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:6,”show_categories”:true,”show_date”:false,”show_comments”:false,”show_excerpt”:true} /–>
And entering manually, like this:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:6,”show_categories”:true,”show_date”:false,”show_comments”:false,”show_excerpt”:true,”blockLogic”:”is_home()”} /–>
This way it managed to work correctly, that is, the conditional tags are not saved when I click on the update or publish button.