• Hello all –
    I finally figured out after lots of trials and errors how to add a Facebook icon to the top sidebar that is not accessible from the Widgets, but for some reason it will not align with the RSS and Twitter icons. How do I get it to be the same distance and line up? Also how do I make it so that the spacing is the same from the icon to the image title and for there to not be a red line under the link when I hover? I am using www.remarpro.com.

    Here is what it looks like now:

    And here is the current code I have in the sidebar.php:

    				<?php endif; ?>
    			<?php if($options['feed_email'] && $options['feed_url_email']) : ?>
    				<a rel="external nofollow" id="feedemail" title="<?php _e('Subscribe to this blog via email...', 'inove'); ?>" href="<?php echo $options['feed_url_email']; ?>"><?php _e('Email feed', 'inove'); ?></a>
    			<?php endif; if($options['twitter'] && $options['twitter_username']) : ?>
    				<a id="followme" title="<?php _e('Follow us', 'inove'); ?>" href="https://twitter.com/<?php echo $options['twitter_username']; ?>/"><?php _e('Twitter', 'inove'); ?></a>
    			<a href = "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Global-Partners-for-Development/108731437608" target = "_blank"><img border = 0 src = "https://www.gpfd.org/blog/images/facebook.png" title = "Join us on Facebook">   Facebook</a>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    			<div class="fixed"></div>
    	<!-- showcase -->

    Any help would be so appreciated! Thank you!!!

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  • Thread Starter jordanb


    Anyone? Would so so appreciate any help possible with this! Thank you!

    The image might be larger on the bottom, edit it, or it might have more margin on it than the others.

    The spacing, again it could be different margins or padding causing that.

    The red line when you hover. A:hover{text-decoration:none;}

    Thread Starter jordanb


    Thank you so so much for your response, I really really appreciate it! How do I know what to do for the spacing? Or is there a way to make them all the same spacing?
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter jordanb


    SO sorry to ask another question, but where does the code for hover go?

    Did you get that option to work?
    I would love to know how you did that…

    I appreciate it…

    Until next time,
    Larry Henry Jr.

    Maybe it is a bit late…anyway: you can find something related here. There is a Facebook section in the admin theme options page.
    Hope this helps!

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