• Resolved Alexander Guskov


    Hello and many thanks for your plugin.
    I tried to use inline type of readmore and found that it works absolutely the same way as button type, but css field doesn’t no injecting in the final code. The same code in css field works great for button type but completely ignoring in the inline type.

    So finely a managed to arrange the same functionality and design adding css into the button type that I expected from inline one but be informed about the problem.


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  • Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Hi @forcesail,

    Thank you for connecting us.
    Inside inline type read more we have an option “Add Button To The Next Of The Text” if you enable that option you will see the difference.

    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    Thank you, @edmonparker.
    I’m sorry to inform you, that it works perfectly in admin preview but not on the real page.
    On this page: https://forcesail.ru/%d1%8f%d1%85%d1%82%d1%8b-%d1%8f%d1%85%d1%82%d0%b8%d0%bd%d0%b3/
    I wanted to add “read more” on the same line with <h2>..</h2> but it doesn’t work.

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @forcesail,

    One question.
    So do you want to increase gradient height to the h2 tag?

    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    This question not connected to my question question about gradient.
    It’s about that it’s imposible to make something like that with inline readmore:
    —collapsed text—-
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a placerat tortor. Phasellus auctor orci ut enim dapibus, nec viverra sem egestas. In auctor facilisis metus non imperdiet. Integer dapibus porta ligula, id ornare dolor faucibus nec. Sed eu viverra elit, fringilla placerat quam.

    If you make:
    <h2>THIS IS HEADER OF BLOCK OF TEXT</h2> [expander_maker id=N]
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a placerat tortor. Phasellus auctor orci ut enim dapibus, nec viverra sem egestas. In auctor facilisis metus non imperdiet. Integer dapibus porta ligula, id ornare dolor faucibus nec. Sed eu viverra elit, fringilla placerat quam. [/expander_maker]
    it appear like block (not inline-block)

    If you make:
    <h2>THIS IS HEADER OF BLOCK OF TEXT [expander_maker id=N]</h2>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a placerat tortor. Phasellus auctor orci ut enim dapibus, nec viverra sem egestas. In auctor facilisis metus non imperdiet. Integer dapibus porta ligula, id ornare dolor faucibus nec. Sed eu viverra elit, fringilla placerat quam. [/expander_maker]
    it crashes the page.

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @forcesail,

    To get inline read more you need to create inline read more type and enable Add Button To The Next Of The Text: option
    Inline read more type you can use like this.
    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the [expander_maker id="2" more="Read more" less="Read less"]Read more hidden text[/expander_maker] printing and typesetting</p>
    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    Thank you for the explanation.
    So, it works only inside of the same block. Cross blocking is not supporting.

    Another problem with inline-readmore is that it ignores CSS (that are in admin panel for the exact readmore).

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @forcesail,

    Inline type can work inside one block element. (ex in one div , p, h and etc)
    Regarding to CSS ignore please give more details about that.

    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    Yes, I’ve already got it. Thank you and sorry for misunderstanding.

    But inline type of readmore ignores all that wrote in CSS block of inline type of readmore admin page. For normal button it works perfectly.

    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    I’m sorry again.

    To demonstrate that CSS is ignoring I added readmore to the page:

    The first line of the text of the page now:
    <h3>Круизный тренинг [expander_maker id=”4″] или просто круиз по красивейшим местам Западной Франции, а точнее Южной Бретани, а еще точнее вокруг залива и одноименного региона Morbihan.[/expander_maker]</h3>

    Yes, it’s really works in the same block but, I added very simple CSS just to demonstrate the effect (it’s not that I really mind to add, but I’s good to demonstrate):
    .yrm-button-more-inline-ag, .yrm-button-text-span{ color: red !important;}

    The screenshot of all settings of this readmore you can find here:

    (by orange I as well marked one minor error)

    The similar code for the normal button readmore works perfectly (you can see I much I redesigned here:

    Plugin Author edmon.parker


    Dear @forcesail,

    I found CSS code did not include on the page I think that reason is your theme.
    Please insert that CSS code inside your page in another way.

    Thread Starter Alexander Guskov


    Thank you/
    I’ll try

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