Hi @tracyci,
I understand you have created some fields which are not displaying on individual lines as expected.
Custom styling of fields can be done by adding CSS to the WordPress admin. This is a custom thing to do depending on desired outcome.
At the same time, it sounds like there may be a plugin conflict or file not loading.
Can you provide some additional information about your exact configuration and expectations? For example:
- When you say the fields show up in Products, do you mean they are extending the WooCommerce Products Post Type, or a Custom Post Type called Products, or something else? If WooCommerce Product, is it the classic Product user interface or the new Product user interface?
- Did you create the 4 fields individually using Pods Admin?
- What types of fields are they?
- Are they individual fields, repeatable, field groups?
- Does their appearance change if all other plugins are disabled? If Pods plugin is updated or reinstalled? If Pods plugin caches and browser caches are cleared?
- Have you added any custom CSS stylesheets to the admin?
- Is the desired effect for the fields to be full width individually, each in rows, or 25% width, all in one row?