I understand. We’ve moved from PHP forced file downloads to XHR file downloads, and possibly that is the reason why currently there is a difference between clicking and paste & go links behavior when content-disposition is set to inline.
Regarding the Firefox, yes, it has a rule set that opens PDF files directly in the browser ( setting that can be changed ).
Currently we are investigating the possibility to open the file in the browser directly using XHR, but for the launched version currently can’t be done.
You can disable XHR ( in the future this won’t be possible as we’re going on that direction ) by entering the following snippet into your child theme’s functions.php file, but the accuracy of the Reports will suffer a little.
add_filter( <span class="pl-s">'dlm_do_xhr'</span>, <span class="pl-s">'__return_false'</span> );
Hope this helps.