Three steps are required for adding user_email
into the message.php
1. Try this code snippet which will add the registered user’s userid
to the URL.
add_filter( 'wp_redirect', 'wp_redirect_add_userid', 10, 2 );
function wp_redirect_add_userid( $location, $status ) {
if ( strpos( $location, 'message=checkmail' ) !== false ) {
$location .= '&userid=' . esc_attr( um_user( 'ID' ));
return $location;
Install the code snippet into your active theme’s functions.php
or use the “Code Snippets” plugin.
2. Customize the message.php
template and read this guide about the folder you must use.
The customized template file message.php
* Template for the message after registration process
* This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/ultimate-member/templates/message.php
* Call: function parse_shortcode_args()
* @version 2.6.1
* @var string $mode
* @var int $form_id
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} ?>
<div class="um <?php echo esc_attr( $this->get_class( $mode ) ); ?> um-<?php echo esc_attr( $form_id ); ?>">
<div class="um-postmessage">
if ( isset( $_GET['userid'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['userid'] )) {
$userid = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['userid'] );
um_fetch_user( $userid );
$this->custom_message = str_replace( array( '{user_email}', '{user_login}' ), array( esc_attr( um_user( 'user_email' )), esc_attr( um_user( 'user_login' ))), $this->custom_message );
// translators: %s: The message after registration process based on a role data and user status after registration
printf( __( '%s', 'ultimate-member' ), $this->custom_message ); ?>
3. At UM Roles edit the default Registration Role for new Users:
Activate “Action to be taken after registration” = “Show custom message”
Update the “Personalize the custom message” text with these placeholders:
and {user_login}
Thank you for registering {user_login}.
Before you can login we need you to activate your account by clicking the activation link in the email we just sent you at {user_email}.
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by