Thanks so much! This worked!
Now that I’ve finally gotten over this hurdle, how would I make it work with other CPTs?
For example, I have my “Work” on my home page. I initially created the page with the title of “Work” and a slug of “work”. In the WP Settings, I set the Home page to be the “Work” page.
In the Settings for Infinite Scroller, I added the proper CSS selectors in conjunction with the CSS selectors for my Blog. These are separated with a comma, e.g. “#content #blogEntries_wrapper .blogEntry, #content #work_wrapper .workEntry”.
In the functions file, maybe this is where I have it wrong? I added the “Home” page to the code (I’ve also tried “home”):
function my_load_infinite_scroll( $load_infinite_scroll ) {
if( is_page('blog', "Home") )
return true;
return $load_infinite_scroll;
add_filter('infinite_scroll_load_override', 'my_load_infinite_scroll');
Please refresh my site, or clear the browser cache, if there are some display issues.
Thanks a bunch for your help!