• Resolved andriely


    individualmente, cada partida.

    alemanha x jap?o
    [bot?o para salvar meu palpite para esta partida]
    inglaterra x sui?a
    [bot?o para salvar meu palpite para esta partida]
    brasil x eua
    [bot?o para salvar meu palpite para esta partida]

    caso seja possível, qual codigo preciso alterar?
    Qual arquivo devo modificar?

    Grato desde já pela aten??o


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  • Thread Starter andriely


    excuse me, I pasted the text in Portuguese in the previous message rsrsrss

    following text in English:


    there is the possibility of creating a button to save individually each match.
    example :

    Germany x japan
    [ button to save my guess for this match ]
    england v Switzerland
    [ button to save my guess for this match ]
    Brazil x USA
    [ button to save my guess for this match ]

    if possible, which takes code change ?
    Which file should I change ?

    Grateful in advance for attention

    Plugin Author AntoineH



    The prediction form has the option to change the output (see help page if you want to learn more). So the best option is to extend the plugin with the hook to change the form template.

    I quickly put an example online: extension plugin.

    Another option is to use the shortcode [fp-predictionform match="1"] (where “1” is the match ID) to make individual forms for each match, but that takes a lot of content editing.

    I wouldn’t recommend changing the plugin’s code, because your changes will be overwritten on every update of the plugin.

    Thread Starter andriely


    Hello, good morning.

    First thanks for the reply : D . I did not understand exactly how to use the extension you entered (sorry my fault, is that ‘m new to wordpress and also inphp rsrsrsrs ) .

    As I did not first alternative , I went to help and made ??the changes you asked me ( in shortcode ) . However the buttons still do not appear.

    The following prints:

    Thread Starter andriely


    Thread Starter andriely


    rectifying : I continued ” digging ” and managed to add BUTTONS with Extension What You Passed Me Thanks . Just one more question in relation to the buttons :

    There is the possibility to add one more function to them , such as opening a pop -up or other page?

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    The only thing my extension does, is passing an alternative piece of HTML back to the plugin. So if you want extra functionality on the button, just change the HTML of the button (line 31).

    Thread Starter andriely


    My Questions Were At The Button resolved , thank you!

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