• Resolved cjwearmo


    New to WordPress. Using the Indie theme & dashboard customization. Have customized the header, which works on the homepage, but does not seem to carry over to other pages. You can see what I mean at https://www.chriswearmouth.com
    What am I missing here?

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  • Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    I had a look at your link and it looks to be working just fine.

    Did you manage to get it fixed?

    Thread Starter cjwearmo


    hmmm, the homepage title and tagline are in Unica One, when i go to the About page or a post, the header text is now in Open Sans. Seems to be the case in both Chrome and Mozilla.

    Also the side menu drops down to the bottom on post pages. Maybe there’s a setting somewhere I’m missing. Like I said, I’m new to WordPress.

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    Ahh sorry I hadn’t picked this up.

    I have submitted an update to www.remarpro.com for review. As soon as they ok it you should see a theme update available in the theme admin page. It usually takes a few days.

    Thread Starter cjwearmo


    Awesome, thanks! It’s a great theme, btw.

    Thread Starter cjwearmo


    Awesome, thanks! It’s a great theme, btw.

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