• I’m curious if there is a way to indicate that a post has more than one page on the main page of a blog? The links to the different pages are visible when viewing a single post, but not visible on the main page, which shows the most recent 10 posts, in my blog’s case. If a person was to simple read the main page and not click on the title of the post to view it singularly, she would only read the first page’s content of a multiple page post and not realize there was more to it.

    Is there anyway to add a […] or something like that on the main page when the post has multiple pages? Or do I just need to use a <!–more–> tag? (I’d rather not….)

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  • Edit your index.php and add the pages function that you’re using in your single.php.

    I’m having the same issues… here’s what I have:

    <?php the_content(‘Read on…’); ?>
    <?php link_pages(‘<p class=”more”>’,”, ‘next’, ‘  Next Page »’, ‘« Previous Page  ‘); ?>

    … which is exactly as is in my single.php (where the next page links are displaying).


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