I have downloaded the newest version of the software, ran install after it connected to my server. Now I have a site but not the one with all my original site setting.
So let me understand what your telling me. Now that I’ve updated the program I should delete all directories and files except the two you mention above. Then using my ftp program copy all the files and directories from my local hard drive back to the server.
A little background, before the site cashed I had a backup of all the directories and files. When the site crashed I already had a backup so I deleted ALL directories and files from the server.
This last weekend again using my ftp program copies the backup files back to the server which is whats there now. Now my problem is with the new update I don’t see the actual web site I built but what looks like a new installation.
By re-installing all the files and directories from my backup with the new content and config directories in place do you think the old site will come up?