• santaclaritarealestateforum


    I’m just wondering if anyone knows exactly what this means about my blog, or how Google views it:

    When I make a new blog post, I can go to Google, and paste the post title into the Google search, and it will already be indexed in their search results (my posting) in about 4 minutes.

    I know thats a good thing – but if there is something more detailed I should know about that fact, I’d love to know it. It might be good to know, what I’m doing right, so I don’t screw up and stop doing it. I’m a bit new to blogging, I have most of it down, just trying to learn a bit more about the SEO aspects of it now.

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  • Well four minutes seems rather fast for Google to be indexing your site. Most likly your blog is pinging a service that lets Google know your site has been updated.

    Anyways two plug-ins you might be interested in are “All in One SEO Pack” and “Google XML Sitemaps”.

    1. Nothing special with your site, read this post and this post.

    2. To check, when Google last indexed you site, enter:


    You’ll get:

    https://www.yourdomian.com – xxk – 39 minutes ago

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