• Hello,

    I have the following problem:

    For a client I created an index.html page, that is in the same folder as the wordpress multisite installation. I renamed the WordPress file index.php to indexwp.php, so index.html would be loaded. So far so good. However, now I can’t set the homepage right, no matter what I try within the admin, .htaccess or wp-config.php.

    Can anyone please help me out? I have too little experience with multisite to get this done, and googling didn’t give me the answer either…

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Which index are you talking about? The theme index or the WordPress index. If you change the WordPress index, your site will not load. One way to use the index.html is to give it priority in your htaccess file while keeping your index.php

    Thread Starter Marcel Oerlemans


    Hello Acrane,

    Thanks for your reply!

    I mean the WordPress index indeed.
    How do I give the index.html priority in .htaccess? I never heard of that to be honest…

    Regards, Marcel

    Hmmm. It’s been a few years since I’ve had that same problem. In my history, the resolved thread was here.

    At the end the guy changes his “index.html” to “default.html” and it worked for him. It might be that default gets priority over index. I just can’t remember. But there is a way in the htaccess to prioritize too, just can’t find it right now.

    Sorry for the if’s and but’s and IDK’s but I know it’s possible without changing your index.php

    Thread Starter Marcel Oerlemans


    Okay no problem, I tried another solution aswell, to make a copy of the website in another location (subfolder) just like the other address.. But still would like to know, might be usefull in the future ??

    Try putting this in your .htaccess

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    Whatever is first will take priority. You can add as many layers as you want.

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