• Basically I came on today to find my whole wordpress directory was being displayed to everyone. I checked ftp to find that my index file had been renamed to index1.php. I downloaded the file and opened it but nothing had been changed inside, I renamed it back to index.php and the site appears to be displaying and running as normal again.

    However, now that I’ve come on here and noticed the sticky warning about hacking, I’m thinking that it can’t be that simple. It’s also quite coincidental that it happened just now (or last night).

    How can I be sure if my site is alright? I tried looking at the last modified section in ftp but the dates are all from last month (even index.php).

    I’ve hidden my indexes in cPanel for now as if this happened once, it can probably happen again as I haven’t changed anything. I just don’t like the idea of all my files being on show. Could anybody have got any sensitive details from the wordpress files? any passwords etc?

    I was already running the latest version of WordPress and have all up-to-date plugins (besides collapsing pages which I just noticed right now). How did somebody rename my index and how can I stop it from happening again?

    Any input is appreciated, thanks!

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  • Thread Starter bumblybee


    My host said he renamed a file (which must’ve been the index file then) and had to reboot the server this morning as something was happening (didn’t say what). Could this be related to what’s going on just now?

    I also noticed that my uploads 9 folder shows as being modified at 5.41AM yet there is nothing inside. Should I be worried about that? I have been scanning through my raw access log with various things I saw in that thread above but I am yet to find anything. I decided to delete the xmlrpc.php file as some people suggested to be on the safe side but it’s saved just in case that’s not such a good idea.

    I also noticed in my site stats that there was a hit to wp-login.php and I haven’t logged in for a while (until now) which also makes me think something’s up.

    I’ve changed all my passwords for now but I am using the latest version, practically all the posts in that thread were for older versions.

    Do I have anything to be worried about?

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