• Resolved madflute


    The file size colum sorting returns blank table. When default, only a few pages shows the values in the file size column. When I click on [index Media], a red text box flashes, which can be read “The string did not match the expected pattern.”

    Not sure what is going on. Ahy help would be appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Morning @madflute,

    Do you know how to use Chrome Debugging Tools to investigate requests to show errors?

    If not, is it possible to get Admin access to the website? You can submit the login details here.


    Thread Starter madflute


    Hi @ss88_uk

    Thank you for your response. I can give you an admin access but it’s in Japanese, and not sure you can deal with it. Meanwhile, here is HAR file. The error is 500. Hope you can find the solution. I am not a DEV, and don’t know how to debug.

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    Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Hi @madflute,

    You can send over login details using the link provided. A 500 error means it’s a server issue (but probably with code). Once I’ve got access, I can take a look and diagnose it and release a fix.


    Thread Starter madflute


    Submitted. Thank you!

    By the way, login page link is at the right bottom of the website, just in case.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by madflute.
    Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Issue: Server ran out of memory (default set 512mb)

    Solution: Either set unlimited memory (bad), or loop through media items in chunks. We will release a new version to fix this problem.

    @madflute Please reach out if there’s anything else!

    Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Morning @madflute,

    I just released version 1.6.5 with batch processing to fix the memory issue. If you experience any issues, please let me know!


    Thread Starter madflute



    Thank you so much! It has been working great, making our life much easier!

    Here is a potential bug report. When you first sort, it ascends, while most use cases are descending, so the large files will be listed first. We often need to click the sort twice. If the second click is before the [Index Media] button is rendered, you will get the red “Network Error” message at the bottom right. This scared some of our contributors a bit ??

    Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Hi @madflute,

    Do you think you can capture a video? I tried throttling my connection but couldn’t replicate.

    Regarding the sort, I agree it’s perhaps best to order by DESC on the first click. We follow WordPress’s view here. If you load the media library and hover over any column to sort, they’re all sorting first by ASC.

    Thread Starter madflute


    Hi @ss88_uk

    Hope this helps! Download Video →

    Thread Starter madflute


    Hi @ss88_uk

    Hope this video helps! Download →

    Plugin Author SS88 LLC


    Hi @madflute,

    Thanks for the video. I still can’t replicate this on my machine with a throttled connection however, I know why it’s doing it. Your browser is closing the connection before the AJAX request finishes (perfectly normal), and my script is showing you the error because of that.

    At this time I’m not sure what I can do because if someone loads this page and then their connection drops or is closed prematurely (because of slowness or them navigating away), it should show them an error. There’s no way to distinguish between a closed connection made by the user or one when the network drops.

    I’ll have to make a judgement call at some point! Thanks for the report!

    Thread Starter madflute


    Hi @ss88_uk

    My guess is that the connection drop was caused by clicking the sort before the [Index Media] button is rendered since the error does not occur if the user waits for the button to be rendered. The sorting is still finished even after the error.

    Anyway, this is not critical. I already notified users to ignore the error, or wait for the button to appear ??

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