blogreco, yes, your site is running a little sluggishly.
I took a fast look at your site, and I can see you have a lot of plugins that could use updating. Also the cache plugin you’re using is Quick-Cache. We actually recommend using either WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache. If you want to stick with Quick Cache, I would add in a Minification plugin (like ) which will compress your CSS and make it load faster.
The first thing I would do is get rid of some of your plugins. All the ones you’re not using, delete. The timthumb-vulnerability-scanner, for one, isn’t needed unless you’re using themes with TimThumb for most people. Also if you’re not using the importer plugins (blogger etc), turn them off and get rid of them.
The other thing to keep in mind is your theme, Duotive. Because that’s hosted on ThemeForest, you may not get update notifications, so make sure you have their latest version.
Also @briancanine – I’m sorry to hear that.