Just in case someone might need to add CSS3 animations like this https://jackonthe.net/css3animateit
here is the hook to create Data id’s for each widget
* Add data Id for CSS3 animate plugin
function CSS3_Data_ID($params) {
global $my_widget_num; // Global a counter array
$this_id = $params[0]['id']; // Get the id for the current sidebar we're processing
$arr_registered_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); // Get an array of ALL registered widgets
if(!$my_widget_num) {// If the counter array doesn't exist, create it
$my_widget_num = array();
if(!isset($arr_registered_widgets[$this_id]) || !is_array($arr_registered_widgets[$this_id])) { // Check if the current sidebar has no widgets
return $params; // No widgets in this sidebar... bail early.
if(isset($my_widget_num[$this_id])) { // See if the counter array has an entry for this sidebar
$my_widget_num[$this_id] ++;
} else { // If not, create it starting with 1
$my_widget_num[$this_id] = 1;
$data_id = 'data-id="' . $my_widget_num[$this_id] . ''; // Add a widget number class for additional styling options
/* if($my_widget_num[$this_id] == 1) { // If this is the first widget
$class .= 'widget-first ';
} elseif($my_widget_num[$this_id] == count($arr_registered_widgets[$this_id])) { // If this is the last widget
$class .= 'widget-last ';
} */
$params[0]['before_widget'] = str_replace('data-id="', $data_id, $params[0]['before_widget']); // Insert our new classes into "before widget"
return $params;