One of the first things I do on an underpowered server is to take manual control of cron… In other words, instead of letting a visit trigger the WordPress Psuedocron, I manually trigger cron in intervals under my control.
This plugin and a Cron task from somewhere else or your own server should help a small bit…
Often that is enough as you’re not trying to deal with sending a page, looking up data in the SQL database, and dealing with misc cron tasks all at the same time.
If one of those plugins is the Broken Link Checker then change its settings from the default 72hr traverse to something like 480 hours. Once it runs one time it will keep up well enough set to traverse within 20 days or so. Sounds like a long time but in practice that works well.
Next thing is to look at what the plugins all do… On my own sites, a lot of things happen with a few plugins that I was able to create a secondary WordPress instance for and then sync things back to the root. Posts on an aggregator website is where I use this trick a lot.
The above might seem impossible with your client’s needs but keep that in mind. I pull the posts from several hundred RSS feeds into one site by judicious use of a manual cron and 4 subsites feeding back to one production site.
Now think real hard about your database… Is the things happening on the site and within the plugins loading the database? Move the database to a separate server that can handle it. WordPress could care less where it’s database is as long as the connection between the two servers are fast enough. Aim for a second server in the same datacenter if you can else on the same backbone or the cloud itself.
CDN… Think CDN… that’s hiring another server but a CDN service means you don’t need to do much of anything except make sure the CDN is integrated properly.
Cache… A good Cache plugin that will work with your CDN can really help.
I use W3TC unless a client specifies something different.
Once you have an origin server that can keep up… Cloudflare is your friend.
Using Cloudflare as mentioned above means you don’t need to run DNS on your poor ole server that’s overburdened already.
While you’re thinking about your server again (while thinking about and changing DNS to Cloudflare) get rid of email and any other extraneous tasks (extraneous is anything that doesn’t feed the web or the webserver).
I run over 100 plugins on a multisite multinetwork running on almost industry standard cheap VPS by using the above tricks including a very slow second multisite that nobody ever visits but feeds the sites on the other server.
You really need to think outside the box to get there.
Your next steps would be more robust clustered servers and sharded databases.
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by