• Resolved vivanco



    I am outputting text from a calculated field, but the output only extends to 1 row – I need to increase this. This is an option – for example in the “Text Area” field, but not the calculated field. Can I increase the size of the output area and if so, how? My attempts at CSS failed.

    Also, is the output restricted to a certain number of characters?



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  • Plugin Author codepeople



    You can use the calculated field only to calculate the value, and display the results in another field, for example, suppose you want display a text in a textarea, in this case insert a textarea in your form, and assign to it a custom classname to identify the field from the equation, for example my_class (the class name is assigned through the attribute: “Add Css Layout Keywords”), now insert a calculated field in your form and check the attribute: “Hide Field From Public Page”, because the calculated field will be used only to display a result in the textarea. Finally, the equation would be similar to:

    var result;

    jQuery(‘.my_class textarea’).val(result);

    Note: In the previous equation you should replace the … symbol by the code that determines the value of the result variable, that is assigned to the textarea in the last line of code of the equation.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter vivanco


    Thanks. I can’t seem to get that to work; if I replace the “var result;” line with eg the below, with all the rest being the same:

    var str = "Free Web Building Tutorials!";
    var result = str.link("https://www.w3schools.com");

    I get the relevant output (ie “Free Web Building Tutorials!“) in the new textarea field.

    So I played with “str” code for a while, but couldn’t get the calculation to work. Note I have tested the calculation in an independent field at the same time and it works.

    I am a newbie at javascript and the W3 pages aren’t helping on this…


    Thread Starter vivanco


    ah – the output I get is actually

    <a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Free Web Building Tutorials!</a> in the sheet.

    How to hyperlink in the form is a separate question (any ideas?)

    Plugin Author codepeople



    If you are newbie at javascript will be very dificult to get the result you want with the textarea field.

    About display a link in the form, you only should insert a “Instruct. Text” field in the form, and enter the link tag in this field:

    Free Web Building Tutorials!

    Best regards.

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