I’m having the same issue. I contacted my server support and they changed the timezone stuff. See below their response
In WHM Home ? Server Configuration ?Server Time, I set the timezone to Central via the dropdown box (it was Eastern).
In WHM Home ? Service Configuration ? PHP Configuration Editor, I entered “America/Chicago” into the Date and Time field.
And in /home[…].htaccess I appended the following line:
SetEnv TZ America/Chicago
Apache now knows it’s Central time:
root@host [/home/….]# service httpd status
Apache Server Status for localhost
Current Time: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015 17:25:02 CST
Restart Time: Tuesday, 17-Feb-2015 17:20:28 CST
Server uptime: 4 minutes 34 seconds
I made sure my blog and twitter are set to central time as well. The time is still wrong. I did new tweets and same thing ??
Any other advice?