• Hello,

    I’m trying to do a clean-up on my multisite and noticed that the ‘Super Admins’ count is showing an additional Super Admin:

    All (1) | Super Admins (2)

    I setup a copy of the site to troubleshoot the issue and have tried the following:

    -Deleted all plugins, themes, and users (except for primary Super Admin account).
    -Checked “wp_users” table (the primary Super Admin is now the only one showing)
    -Emptied the “wp_signups” and “wp_usermeta” tables
    -Checked the “wp_sitemeta” table and discovered that the “site_admins” meta_key is showing the following value: “a:2:{i:0;N;i:2;s:10:”myusername”;}”
    -I tried changing “a:2…” to “a:1…” but when I do so, I get the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message.

    This is a relatively insignificant issue (i.e., not affecting the performance of the site and doesn’t appear to be a security concern) but I would still be grateful for any advice or insight as to how to fix the count.

    Thank you,

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  • Moderator Bet Hannon


    Are you still able to log in after deleting wp_usermeta?

    If you are able to see the username of the second superadmin, have you tried searching the db for it? Or when you click on Superadmins in the dashboard, does it only display one user?

    Thread Starter JP


    Hi Bet,

    Yes, I am still able to log in the site after deleting wp_usermeta.

    And yes, when I click on “Super Admins” in the Users area, I have only ever seen the one primary user. I’m not sure where the second “ghost” Super Admin would have come from. I inherited this site so it’s possible something was added/deleted early on when the site was originally configured, but I can’t find any trace of any other users aside from the primary Super Admin.

    Moderator Bet Hannon


    Sometimes, there are just things like this we never get to the bottom of. I have a handful of subsites in one network that constantly give me phantom update notices — even though no updates are needed, this site always shows one.

    When it’s not really affecting performance or security, it’s fine to let it go. But you are probably like me and curious about it more than anything. ??

    Thread Starter JP


    Thank you Bet for the reassurance. I’ll leave the topic open in case anyone eventually has any further suggestions.

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