Incorrect price in add_to_cart
I have problem with the incorrect price being sent in the “add_to_cart” event when using your plugin with the Staggs product configurator ( The “add_to_cart” event fires correctly when the button is clicked, but it seems to use the base product price instead of the price configured in Staggs.
I have observed that the incorrect price is also sent when:
- Ajax cart is disabled
- Redirection after adding to cart is set to the cart page
- The “add_to_cart” event is fired on the cart page instead of after the button click
<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Zdarzenie view_cart pokazuje prawid?ow? cen?, a co ciekawe, nawet w tym scenariuszu add_to_cart pokazuje nieprawid?ow? cen? (mimo ?e add_to_cart jest wywo?ywane dopiero po view_cart).</font></font>
<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Jestem w kontakcie ze Staggs, ale oni jeszcze nie wiedz?, jak rozwi?za? ten problem. Czy móg?by? mi doradzi?, jak mogliby poprawnie nadpisa? parametr ceny, aby upewni? si?, ?e zdarzenie ?add_to_cart” wysy?a prawid?ow? cen??</font></font>
I don’t know if it matters, but the hooks used by Staggs are woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form (priority 10 – 50, 80, 90 ). How PixelYourSite collects the price data?
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