Incorrect data being sent to PDF Invoice
Incorrect price is being sent to invoice as well as other fields which are either incorrect or missing. Please see the template we have been using for over a year with no problems until recently:
<?php global $wpo_wcpdf; ?> <table class="head container"> <tr> <td class="header"> <?php if( $wpo_wcpdf->get_header_logo_id() ) { $wpo_wcpdf->header_logo(); } else { echo apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_invoice_title', __( 'Invoice', 'wpo_wcpdf' ) ); } ?> </td> <td class="shop-info"> <div class="shop-name"><h3><?php $wpo_wcpdf->shop_name(); ?></h3></div> <div class="shop-address"><?php $wpo_wcpdf->shop_address(); ?></div> </td> </tr> </table> <h1 class="document-type-label"> <?php if( $wpo_wcpdf->get_header_logo_id() ) echo apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_invoice_title', __( 'Invoice', 'wpo_wcpdf' ) ); ?> </h1> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_after_document_label', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> <table class="order-data-addresses"> <tr> <td class="address billing-address"> <!-- <h3><?php _e( 'Billing Address:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></h3> --> <?php $wpo_wcpdf->billing_address(); ?> <?php if ( isset($wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['invoice_email']) ) { ?> <div class="billing-email"><?php $wpo_wcpdf->billing_email(); ?></div> <?php } ?> <?php if ( isset($wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['invoice_phone']) ) { ?> <div class="billing-phone"><?php $wpo_wcpdf->billing_phone(); ?></div> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="address shipping-address"> <?php if ( isset($wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['invoice_shipping_address']) && $wpo_wcpdf->ships_to_different_address()) { ?> <h3><?php _e( 'Ship To:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></h3> <?php $wpo_wcpdf->shipping_address(); ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="order-data"> <table> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_before_order_data', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> <?php if ( isset($wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['display_number']) && $wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['display_number'] == 'invoice_number') { ?> <tr class="invoice-number"> <th><?php _e( 'Invoice Number:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></th> <td><?php $wpo_wcpdf->invoice_number(); ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ( isset($wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['display_date']) && $wpo_wcpdf->settings->template_settings['display_date'] == 'invoice_date') { ?> <tr class="invoice-date"> <th><?php _e( 'Invoice Date:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></th> <td><?php $wpo_wcpdf->invoice_date(); ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="order-number"> <th><?php _e( 'Order Number:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></th> <td><?php $wpo_wcpdf->order_number(); ?></td> </tr> <tr class="order-date"> <th><?php _e( 'Order Date:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></th> <td><?php $wpo_wcpdf->order_date(); ?></td> </tr> <tr class="payment-method"> <th><?php _e( 'Payment Method:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></th> <td><?php $wpo_wcpdf->payment_method(); ?></td> </tr> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_after_order_data', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_before_order_details', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> <table class="order-details"> <thead> <tr> <th class="product"><?php _e('Product', 'wpo_wcpdf'); ?></th> <th class="quantity"><?php _e('Quantity', 'wpo_wcpdf'); ?></th> <th class="price"><?php _e('Price', 'wpo_wcpdf'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $items = $wpo_wcpdf->get_order_items(); if( sizeof( $items ) > 0 ) : foreach( $items as $item_id => $item ) : ?> <?php //echo $item['item']['item_meta']['_line_total'][0]; //die; ?> <?php //echo "<pre>"; print_r(getProductPriceWithoutAddons($item)); echo "</pre>"; die; ?> <tr class="<?php echo apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_item_row_class', $item_id, $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order, $item_id ); ?>"> <td class="product"> <?php $description_label = __( 'Description', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); // registering alternate label translation ?> <span class="item-name"><?php echo $item['name']; ?></span> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_before_item_meta', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $item, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> <span class="item-meta"><?php echo $item['meta']; ?></span> <?php /* Get Addon Products */ ?> <?php //echo getProductAddonsView($item); ?> <dl class="meta"> <?php foreach( getAddonLabels($item) as $productAddonLabel ) : ?> <br> <dt class="sku"> <?php echo $productAddonLabel; ?> </dt> <?php endforeach; ?> </dl> <dl class="meta"> <?php $description_label = __( 'SKU', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); // registering alternate label translation ?> <?php if( !empty( $item['sku'] ) ) : ?><dt class="sku"><?php _e( 'SKU:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></dt><dd class="sku"><?php echo $item['sku']; ?></dd><?php endif; ?> <?php if( !empty( $item['weight'] ) ) : ?><dt class="weight"><?php _e( 'Weight:', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></dt><dd class="weight"><?php echo $item['weight']; ?><?php echo get_option('woocommerce_weight_unit'); ?></dd><?php endif; ?> </dl> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_after_item_meta', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $item, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> </td> <td class="quantity"><?php echo $item['quantity']; ?></td> <td class="price"> $<?php echo getProductPriceWithoutAddons($item); //echo $item['order_price']; ?> <dl class="meta"> <?php foreach( getAddonPrices($item) as $productAddonPrice ) : ?> <br> <dt class="sku"> $<?php echo $productAddonPrice; ?> </dt> <?php endforeach; ?> </dl> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; endif; ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr class="no-borders"> <td class="no-borders"> <div class="customer-notes"> <?php if ( $wpo_wcpdf->get_shipping_notes() ) : ?> <h3><?php _e( 'Customer Notes', 'wpo_wcpdf' ); ?></h3> <?php $wpo_wcpdf->shipping_notes(); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </td> <td class="no-borders" colspan="2"> <table class="totals"> <tfoot> <?php foreach( $wpo_wcpdf->get_woocommerce_totals() as $key => $total ) : ?> <tr class="<?php echo $key; ?>"> <td class="no-borders"></td> <th class="description"><?php echo $total['label']; ?></th> <td class="price"><span class="totals-price"><?php echo $total['value']; ?></span></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tfoot> </table> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <?php do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_after_order_details', $wpo_wcpdf->export->template_type, $wpo_wcpdf->export->order ); ?> <?php if ( $wpo_wcpdf->get_footer() ): ?> <div id="footer"> <?php $wpo_wcpdf->footer(); ?> </div><!-- #letter-footer --> <?php endif; ?>
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