• hello..
    I probably spoiled my installation.
    I uploaded a plugin that was incomplete, and activated it. When I tried to open wp-admin/plugins.php or wp-admin/plugin-install.php, it prompted me to download the files instead. So I deleted the plugin — and wordpress told be that it deactivated the plugin as it doesnt exist.
    Now each time I upload a plugin, it does not open plugins.php but prompts me to download it. Also, plugin-install.php never opens (always prompts for download)

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  • Thread Starter sayakb


    plugins.php opens okay now.
    And.. plugin-install.php opened this morning. But it had this error at the end:
    Warning: http_build_query() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /home/www/blog.sayakbanerjee.com/wp-includes/http.php on line 248

    So I opened up http.php and found this code:
    $r[‘body’] = http_build_query($r[‘body’], null, ‘&’);

    And replaced this with this (in order to have 2 args):
    $r[‘body’] = http_build_query($r[‘body’], ‘&’);

    So well, that again made plugin-install.php disappear with the “Download this file” syndrome.
    I changed the code back, while plugin-install.php isn’t back again.

    So in a nutshell:
    1. I have akismet and hello dolly plugins in my wp-content/plugins folder. Not the faulty sociable plugin anymore.

    2. Everything in my dashboard works fine, except for plugin-install.php (Install new plugins). That means I cannot have more plugins but only the default ones.

    Getting the exact same error:

    http_build_query() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in … wp-includes/http.php on line 248

    What’s weird is that I have a recent, fresh WordPress install with no plugins whatsoever. So I think this is a WordPress bug — not something you (or I) did.

    If I figure out the problem I will post back.



    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    That doesn’t make any sense, because http_build_query takes THREE parameters, not two. See here: https://www.php.net/http_build_query

    The function is also defined in wp-includes/compat.php for those peoplee running older php versions.

    I might be mistaken but I found that in version 5.1.2 of PHP the arg_separator parameter was added. I’m running 5.0.4 – I have the function, but not the third parameter. So I’m getting the same error.



    My web server was upgraded to the 5.0.3 version of PHP and I got that warning. I had the server reverted back to PHP Version 4.3.11 and there is no warning and I can install plugins. I also have no warning message and proper function while using PHP Version 5.2.8.



    having same error when in plugins_install page if doing anything that needs a search… ( okay on Start page)..

    Warning: http_build_query() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /home/…./wp-includes/http.php on line 251

    Everything was fine before ! the last plugin I activated was WASSUP so I deactivated but the problem still there. I did upgrade my php version from 4+ to 5.02 two days ago but I think (as far as I recall) I did not have this error afterwards!

    Okay, I did another upgrade on my php version to 5.2 and all works fine now – the error disappeared on all plugin-install pges and I installed new plugin with no problem !

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