The “Display manual excerpt below the title” was unchecked (disabled). Note that I also had the .site-description hidden.
I can not test your check-it solution because I uninstalled Twentig. I did not know your turn-around time and could not risk a wait. The excerpts are too important to my documentation content.
Note that after I disabled and deleted Twentig (via admin ui), the drop-down Excerpt tab disappeared altogether from the settings (right side, document tab of Gutenberg editor). The text in the manual Excerpt box appeared in places where it should (like blog summary and [portfolio] shortcodes on standard pages. The problem is, I can not edit or delete the manual Excerpt text. Importantly note that this was AFTER I disabled and deleted the Twentig plugin. PLEASE fix this Twentig bug.
Oh, also note that the “Continue reading” button on the blog home page also disappears regardless of its button settings, Twentig converts buttons into a text links. Here’s an example.
From what I remember, Twentig has a negative effect on the Primary Color setting (Customize/Colors/Primary Color). The Custom Hue setting changed the button color in the customize live window, but no button on the blog page. Twentig’s added Custom Hexadecimal setting has no effect on the button color in the customize live window.
After disabling and deleting Twentig, I esorted to raw CSS in my child theme to change the display I needed, and Easy Google Fonts plugin to control my fonts. Even now, the Except tab is missing. I used phpMyAdmin to edit the database table.
I tested Twntigs changes with GTMetrix and could not detect any negative affects on Pagespeed or YShow scores. That’s great. I also tested with the Google/Wordpress AMP plugin with AMP set to “Transitional.” There weren’t any negative affects.
Overall, I like the idea of Twentig. I commend you on your fast turnaround on this bug report. I’m open to trying Twentig again (in a couple months) because of your service.