• Sorry for beating a dead horse here, but I found a lot of info on this topic, (too much) and the suggestions that I found don’t really seem to provide a clear solution. It’s try this, or maybe that, works for some but not for others. Maybe I haven’t found the correct answer here in the forum (yet) but I have been searching and trying DIY for 2 days and just can’t make it work. Where can I find the latest and greatest solution to this issue? Please help.
    I am getting the same error on 3 different blogs but for different plugins: “Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
    Plenty of disk space, all are 3.2.1, tried FTP and that isn’t even working anymore, all three are hosted on aplus.net and their tech support says it’s a WP issue that they can’t help me with.

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  • Have you tried just downloading the plugins to your computer, unpacking the archive and then uploading the plugin’s folder to wp-content/plugins?

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    Thank you for your reply Esmi…
    Yes. I did and used FileZilla to do this. This used to work fine, but now the plugins don’t even show up as not active to be activated. I think it might be a permission issue. So I changed all file permissions to 644 and all folders to 755. And am still getting the error message:
    “Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
    Any ideas?

    Does this happen with all plugins? Or just specific ones?

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    This only seems to be a problem with the blogs that are hosted with Aplus.Net. The ones on Host Gator are fine.
    Tried to install 4 plugins yesterday and this is the outcome:

    [‘Log’ moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    Then it looks like this is a hosting issue. Try contacting your hosts about it.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    I did and they said it is a WP issue…

    It isn’t. It’s a host problem. When you upload the plugins by FTP. are you uploading the zips or the extracted plugin folder?

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    I have tried both ways. FTP with FileZilla and Zip from WP Admin.

    When you upload the plugins by FTP, are you uploading the zips or the extracted plugin folder?

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    With FTP I upload the extracted folders and files.

    And you’re still getting “Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT” messages? That makes no sense if there are no zips in there.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    No. After using the FTP, the plugins don’t show in the WP admin to be activated.
    I have been digging deeper and have found that some of the permissions are not 755 for folders or 644 for files.
    Will change them to “default” values and try again.
    Do you think this will help?

    It could well do. Inappropriate permissions could seriously screw up a site.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    OK Esmi, I will change the permissions to 755 and 644, then try again and get back with you. Thank you for your support!

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    I have been able to get a few of the plugins to work by changing the file and folder permissions, so this is probably part of the issue.
    Now working with some of the plugin developers to resolve the remaining zip and missing header issues.
    Thank you for your help…
    Stay tuned.

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