Hi @wadetregaskis
I hope you’re well today!
The “blog” part may be related here (I’ll get to that later below) but the most important thing seems to be how images are handled/stored.
The example URL that uses “i0.wp.com” domain suggests that there’s Jetpack active on site with option to optimize image delivery enabled. This is fine but this is precisely what’s causing “image domain change” – it’s “offloading” images to the WordPress.com cloud.
This kind of 3rd-party services are often blocking various crawls and bots (which would also be a case of automated check) and if that happens, it would result in a link being reported as broken.
Are you using the cloud engine or the “local (old)” one in Broken Link Checker? What’s the HTTP status reported (e.g. 403 or similar) for those links on broken link list?
As for the “blog” part, it seems that your diganosis is right – if the site was moved up to the top level it’s quite possible that some image data was not correctly/fully update in the DB.
But first thing to check would be to see what values are set for both “Site Address (URL)” and “WordPress Address (URL)” options on “Settings -> General” page in site’s back-end. make sure that they are matching current location of the site correctly.
If that’s fine already, you can use this free plugin to check DB:
Once it’s enabled on site:
– go to “Tools -> Better Search Replace” page in wp-admin
– type in blog.wadetregaskis.com into the “Search for” field
– type in wadetregaskis.com into the “Replace with” field
– select all tables
– and make sure to check the “Dry run” checkbox at the bottom
Then “Run Search/Replace” and it will scan the DB and report back to you (due to Dry Run option it will not yet make any changes). You’ll have an option then to also see in what tables occurrences of “blog” subdomain were found so you could check and asses if to update that.
Then you can also use the plugin with “dry run” disabled to actually make changes (note: I would strong recommend taking fresh full backup before doing that, just to stay on a safe side).
Best regards,