• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi everyone!

    Thank you for sticking with me, I truly appreciate it.

    I’m taking a proactive approach at the moment, given the past two weeks, and aiming to try and let it be known that another release is incoming. I’m aiming for early next week.

    This one should prove a much less headache-inducing one. The following items have been changed or fixed, with the last being pending confirmed fixed.

    1. Double check the “Get code” output to make sure it matches what is necessary when registering, so that you could safely move the registration elsewhere if desired.
    2. German translation updates. If you speak/read German, myself and the translator would LOVE to have feedback on this.
    3. Internationalization string changes after feedback from German translation work.
    4. Minor issue with link html being stripped from UI field explanation.
    5. Better apostrophe/single quote support in label fields.

    If you’re nervous at all about another update, for which I don’t blame you at all, and you want to test this point release on a dev server ahead of time, let me know, and I’ll construct what will be 1.0.3 for you so you can test it first.


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I had a bug report come in today regarding rewrite parameters, and it was part of what was likely causing so much need for rewrite flushing and resaving of values. Specifically the with_front was not always being properly set.

    If you’re willing to help me test this, I’d greatly appreciate it.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    If you would like to help, especially if you have a dev site, download and install https://github.com/WebDevStudios/custom-post-type-ui/archive/master.zip

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    This should be taken care of once 1.0.3 is out, but if you are having rewrite issues, and you re-save your post type/taxonomy settings, the issue should go away. A big issue ended up being that the stored value of a numeral zero prevented part of the rewrite arguments, and I have the numeral zero being converted to “false” on save.

    Darn nuances.

    Hi Michael,

    I have some suggestions on one thing, the help icons.

    I actually took it upon myself to use Font Awesome, and it works great. I added the Font Awesome files, changed the way the A tag gets implemented, and updated the help icon CSS to color: inherit.

    IMHO Looks a little more professional with HTML icons rather than images.

    Also, since WP uses Dashicons, that could also be an effective way to implement the ? icon next to the Label.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    somethumb, are you on GitHub at all? I’d be interested in seeing a PR for this. If it’s definitely deemed a better solution than what I have now, I’d definitely pull it in for 1.1.

    I’m also wanting to rework how the help icons/text is done as a whole, as it’s definitely not intuitive right now.

    I did run in to this issue just last night!!! It was actually with the has_archive toggle. I had to change it then save, refresh/leave the edit screen, and sometimes I had to do that 2 to 3 times to get it to work… Will this update fix this one as well?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    has_archive should be covered.

    $has_archive = get_disp_boolean( $post_type['has_archive'] );
    if ( !empty( $post_type['has_archive_string'] ) ) {
    	$has_archive = $post_type['has_archive_string'];

    first line does the boolean version, and if there’s a string value saved, that gets saved to the value instead, to be passed in.

    Curious if it needs to he trimmed.

    I’m not exactly an expert in Github, but I’ll learn. Meanwhile, I can provide some suggestions right here:

    First, to make things easier for the help icons in the admin, use this in the class.cptui_admin_ui.php

    public function get_help( $help_text = '' ) {
    	return '<a href="#" title="' . esc_attr( $help_text ) . '" class="cptui-help dashicons-before dashicons-editor-help" title="' . esc_attr( $help_text ) . '"></a>';

    In cptui.css, I changed the styles like this:

    .cptui-help {
    	color: #424242;
      	opacity: 0.5;
    	text-decoration: none;
    	width: 16px;
    	margin-left: 4px;
    .cptui-help:hover {
    	color: #0074a2;
    	opacity: 1;
    .cptui-help:focus {
    	box-shadow: none;

    Then to make a nice CPTUI menu icon using base64, I used this in custom-post-type-ui.php

    function cptui_plugin_menu() {
    	add_menu_page( __( 'Custom Post Types', 'cpt-plugin' ), __( 'CPT UI', 'cpt-plugin' ), 'manage_options', 'cptui_main_menu', 'cptui_settings', '' );
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'cptui_plugin_menu' );
    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I built a site using your awesome plugin. I used the same custom post type structure, but just one CPT was taking you to the home page when you selected any of it’s links. I changed the rewrite option to ‘false’ and it worked but broke some other CPT. One I can’t get to work right. Changing the rewrite to ‘true’ goes to a white page and ‘false’ goes to a 404. The site is ergonarmor.com/datasheets. There are four groups here with a dropdown menu. The Corrosion Engineering group is not working. I desperately need some help.

    I updated my plugin with the test version above, but I am still having the same problem.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi tipsystudio,

    The only one I could get to go to anything other than expected post type post data was the last one, “Corrosion engineering”. Empty white pages typically indicate some sort of php error, which shouldn’t be getting triggered by our plugin on the frontend by any means. For that one, I suggest turning on WP_DEBUG to see what’s going on with that, and it’ll hopefully point you to the right spot for what’s causing that.

    I didn’t run into any 404 errors, so not sure if things resolved themselves or if you simply reverted to a previous working.

    Michael, how do i publish a new branch in github? Do i need to have permissions from you?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    You’ll want to clone the repo to your own account, make any changes on whatever branch you want, and then do a PR on our repo for it.

    Must be doing something wrong. Permission denied is my error.

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