Using trackero’s url you get everything containing a word you have in your link.
Your domain: pepperoni-pizza.com
You will get in that feed every single website which is talking about pepperoni, pizza or both.
Give it a try:
As you see, that’s not the solution.
However, I just found the solution as I promised to Carin. By now we should use:
As you guys see, the language (hl=en) disappear now from the link.
@carin: I tried your website but I’m getting no result, even if there is a website pointing to your blog. Why ? I have no fucking idea. As I see it’s kinda google bug.
I will explain why: If you check this link:
https://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&q=link:https://wwwdotbostalletsdotse/&tbm=blg (replace “dot” with .) you will see one result.
But if you add “output=rss” (https://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&q=link:https://wwwdotbostalletsdotse/&tbm=blg&output=rss) to that link, there is 0 results. Maybe that website blocked trackback, no idea.
As you can see it’s working fine with big websites:
And html: https://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&q=link:www.pizzahut.com/&tbm=blg&tbs=sbd:1
To check the number of backlinks, you can go here: https://www.google.com/blogsearch
If you search for “wwwdotbostalletsdotse” (change dot with .) you will see like 5 links: 4 from your website, one of them from other website, displayed in the link I gave you above.
So guys, the new solution to get the backlinks correctly is:
Best regards,