• Resolved luisdatec


    I have an issue today when I did a mistake processing an invoice.

    I wanted to updated the value, and the system closed the invoice and create new one. That is ok. The issue is that the total value of the wrong invoice is counted like Total. So, in the summary of the incomes or the customer counts like the customer paid that invoice, and is not.

    Please help solving this.

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  • Hello @luisdatec

    We have tried creating the same scenario here in our local and testing site. The closed invoice should not count in the final income statements.

    I’m not sure what exactly happened on your case but if you can contact our support center over our website, we can help/guide you to go through a complete history checkup of the transaction- to find out where is the wrong happened exactly.


    Thread Starter luisdatec


    The steps that I did were:
    1. Create invoice (income) for $14.
    2. Then, I edit the amount, I updated and saved for $15.
    3. The system created a refund invoice, and then a new one for $15. The invoices for the amount of $14 were closed.
    4. I saw the summary for income, and it say $29 instead $15.

    Follow those steps, and you will see the issue.

    Followed the same but it’s showing me correct @luisdatec

    Ref: https://prnt.sc/128h4mk

    Here are my edited invoices: https://prnt.sc/128hcw9
    First was a 15$ invoice, then made it 16$ by editing.

    I assume there is something wrong with your setup or in the database- not exactly sure what is happening though!

    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Yes, that is correct.

    Now, do the payment for the invoice that is waiting for Payment (#65), and then check the summary on the top. In my system in that case shows $31.00. In your system only shows $16 ?

    Share a screenshot of that. The problem is in summary of customer, and summary of incomes, in the chart and total.

    Hello @luisdatec

    Here I have received the payment: https://prnt.sc/12aaron

    Then this is the income statement: https://prnt.sc/12aassp


    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Thanks for your answer.

    I want to ask, is normal that the total received is $31.00 instead $16.00 ?


    I am confused there, it should be $16.00, doesn’t it ?

    Yes, it should be 16$, somehow the graph counting the total value- which is wrong. We’ll update the graph in the coming version.

    But, the income statement is showing correct so far as I mentioned earlier.

    Thanks and I’m taking care of the graph problem.

    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Ok, good! Thanks for take note about this.

    I will be pending of this update to close the ticket.

    Regards !

    Hello @luisdatec

    It has been solved and released already. Please update to the latest version.

    Thanks for being with us ??

    Thread Starter luisdatec


    Ok, thanks. For me shows different the dashboard and the Sell Transactions page.

    Probably, is because I edited the database. I will be pending if I have some error in future.


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