• Hi. Yes, I’m quite new, and quite possibly, this question has been answered, yet I can’t figure out the search criteria. I’m new to website creation and wordpress and all this mySQL stuff, so, I beg forgiveness if I appear truly ignorant.

    My details: I have a website I’ve been working on, and I’m pleased with the layout. I learned enough html to mod a free template, and now I’m working on adding the blog entries to the front page.

    My question: Is it possible to just add the blog entries for this month to the front page, without using the wordpress index.php? I don’t want to struggle with redisgning around the blog, but plug the blog into a certain spot on my existing page.

    For fairness, the blog does have it’s own space on my server. This would seem simple enough a request, as I imagine it probably contains a <div> somewhere.

    Thank you for your time.

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