• Resolved markandweather


    I try to modify Mesocolumn Theme and I have a question about inserting some extra script.

    I want to have a content from file.php in Advertisement location settings in Top Header. I’ve already have a banner with weather data but I would like to add some extra content under it to show some infos about present day.

    For now I have Advertisment Embed Code as follows:
    <?php include('data.php'); ?>

    And data.php content is not visible. How should be the script included? I would be grateful for your help.

    My webpage: https://gminaslesin.futurehost.pl/
    And old version of my website where under the weather banner there is a text from data.php:

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  • Theme Author Richie KS


    you need the full path like

    include( get_template_directory() . '/data.php' );
    if the file is in mesocolumn/data.php

    if its in mesocolumn/lib/templates/data.php then
    include( get_template_directory() . '/lib/templates/data.php' );

    Thread Starter markandweather


    Thank you for your advice.

    <?php include( get_template_directory() . '/data.php' ); include( get_template_directory() . '/icon.php' ); ?>

    The script above works but when I put it in Theme Editor in header.php
    It is not executed after inserting into ‘Ad location’ window – “Top Header”.

    So, my question is now where should I paste the script to have the text just below the weather banner?

    Theme Author Richie KS


    you can’t add this code in ad location in customizer. try add this to functions.php

    function meso_add_topheader_alt_ads() {
    $header_banner = get_theme_mod('header_embed');
    if($header_banner) {
    echo '<div id="topbanner">' . stripcslashes(do_shortcode($header_banner)) . do_action('bp_inside_top_header') . '</div>';
    /* add the custom ads */
    function meso_add_header_custom_ad() {
    include( get_template_directory() . '/data.php' ); 
    include( get_template_directory() . '/icon.php' );
    Thread Starter markandweather


    Thank you for your code. I entered it to functions.php. In ad location in customizer I still have:
    <img src='https://slesinpogoda.cba.pl/pogoda.php' style='margin:1px' alt='' align='right' />

    because when I deleted it all script disappeared.

    Now, the text is in a correct area but still there are double banners visible and the text from data.php is above the banner, not under it and not starting in the same line as a banner ??

    Theme Author Richie KS


    remove the previous code and add this

    function meso_remove_init_call() {
    function meso_add_topheader_alt_ads() {
    $header_banner = get_theme_mod('header_embed');
    if($header_banner) {
    echo '<div id="topbanner">' . stripcslashes(do_shortcode($header_banner));
    echo '<div style="clear:both;">';
    echo do_action('bp_inside_top_header');
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    /* add the custom ads */
    function meso_add_header_custom_ad() {
    include( get_template_directory() . '/data.php' ); 
    include( get_template_directory() . '/icon.php' );
    Thread Starter markandweather


    I think it’s almost done. But still the second part of the text from data.php is disturbed by the content from icon.php. The below placed menu is also lowered.

    Is it possible to set the content like here:
    https://gminaslesin.hostpark.pl/news.php ?

    Theme Author Richie KS


    this is css or html issue, you need to adjust it yourself, i cannot help you step by step when it involve css or html. i have no idea what the code in data.php are.

    Theme Author Richie KS


    best step, try add class to the div like this
    echo '<div class="secbanner" style="clear:both;">';

    and add this css

    .secbanner img {position:absolute;right:20px;top:90px;}
    .secbanner {font-size:10px;text-align:left;line-height:15px;}
    .secbanner b {display:inline;clear:none;}
    .secbanner center {text-align:left;}
    Thread Starter markandweather


    Thank you very much for your help. Your last advice was also useful. I modified css and now it lookes fine.

    By the way, by default below my logo I have all positions of menu in blue (main categories). Is it possible to make them colourful so that they have colours of particular categories?
    The last think – translations of such parts like: “You are here: Home”, “No Comment”. Could you indicate me where can I change it into my language?

    Thread Starter markandweather


    If it goes about colorful menu I managed to do it by creating Custum Menu and set it as a Primary Menu. However, I had to delete descriptions of categories because they were also visible.

    Theme Author Richie KS


    The last think – translations of such parts like: “You are here: Home”, “No Comment”. Could you indicate me where can I change it into my language?

    this is a translation method, check wp codex on how to translate to your language.

    there’s no need to delete the category description, you just need to edit the ‘description’ in each item on menu.
    check #3 but in your case delete menu description.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Richie KS.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Richie KS.
    Thread Starter markandweather


    I submitted my translation proposals. I hope they will be approved and introduced.

    In other themes I had a possibility to see quantity of reads for every post next to the number of comments for each post. So it was a nice and fast confirmation how many people opened particular posts. Is there maybe a script to add such info in Mesocolumn Theme next to the comment info?

    Theme Author Richie KS


    the theme did not have this. try using plugin.

    Thread Starter markandweather


    Indead, I used WP-PostViews plugin and I have it.

    Another thing. Next to the label (caption) of images inserted into the text of post or page there is a short horizontal line, e.g. on the page https://gminaslesin.futurehost.pl/o-gminie/srodowisko-przyrodnicze/. How to get rid of it? Where can I do it?

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