• LOVE this plug-in. I’m still relatively new to WP and to CSS, but with a little help, I installed the plug-in so that I could use it to create a RECIPE INDEX by category.

    So for instance, on the Appetizer page that lists all my appetizer recipes, I’ve entered this code:

    [catlist name=”appederve” template=”recipe” customfield_orderby=”aq_custom_recipe_name” numberposts=”100″ order=”ASC” ]

    Works great!

    But now, I want to make it more visually appealing… so I tried inserting this at the beginning of the code {but after “catlist”}:

    thumbnail=yes thumbnail_size=50,50

    This INDEED added the thumbnails, but it added it to the END of the recipe title, and I’d prefer it at the beginning. I’d also like to center the text {recipe name} vertically with the image.

    Here’s one of the recipe index pages: https://www.raisinandfig.com/recipes-2/appedouevres/


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  • So you use your own template already, recipe? There you need to switch things, for example taking the line with the thumbs before the title. for alignment you could use a div with vertical-align:center. Actually you need to build this up in the template and your CSS. Maybe try out “dry” offline in a HTML doc how you need to put the HTML and CSS, and then you integrate it into your site’s CSS and the recipe template. You can have a look for inspiration at the source code and CSS of our list which is also done with this plugin here.

    You have a very nice website by the way, i like the way your popular post display in the sidebar. I will also have a look there in your code for inspiration ??

    Sidenote: Now i read again you are relatively new, so i dont know if “you can have a look for inspiration” is clear how to do it. Do you know Firebug? It is a plugin for Firefox which is super useful for webdesigners. It shows you the CSS of every element on the site, in this way you can easily “have a look” into how other sites did their things. Just in case you didn’t know about it yet…

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