• Right now I have a page with the following fields:

    – The editor (or main field as I like to call it)
    – And three additional text areas included via the Advanced Custom Field plugin in: secondary, tertiary and row respectively.

    Right now I have nextgen gallery in the tertiary custom field, I am using it by the shortcode:

    [album ids=0 template=home]

    This shows all the galleries I have on nextgen without having to manually add each to a specific album.

    The home template is just the album template I copied into my theme folder and it has very much the same code as the original one just with different classes and some elements removed. It also has this line:

    <?php $i=0; foreach ($galleries as $gallery) : if($i==10) break; $i++; ?>

    Which is to limit the number of galleries in the album to 10.

    Now, this works perfectly as is the only problem I have is that used this way I can’t change the size of the thumbnails to 300x200px. They all come in 91px even if I set the thumbnail size in nextgen the settings.

    Thanks to a recent post by lizzy (I think), I learned that I can insert the album via the editor toolbar and adjust the thumbnail size there, however there are two problems with this:

    – I can’t insert the album using this method in the tertiary field.
    – I have to create an album with a set number of galleries to be able to insert it (so I won’t have the latest 10 galleries automatically but only the ones I add to the album manually).

    Any help with this is appreciated, thanks in advance.


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